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12:45pm, tuesday 21st august 2018.
tw (?) violence.

he couldn't do it. he just couldn't confront minho. there he was, laying in the olders bed thinking about how he could confront minho and end this whole thing quickly so he didn't get to attached again.

the only difference to this heartbreak was that jisung is now an adult. when he first got his heart broken by minho he was 13. it was his first and only 'high school heartbreak' and jisung told himself he wouldn't let it happen for a second time because it fucking hurt.

"you haven't talked to me in a few days. what have i done wrong this time" minho leaned against the door frame and gave jisung that look, with a cigarette in between his fingers as usual.

the look that always made jisung fall for the older more each day.

but not today.

"you don't love me. you're a liar minho, a fucking liar." jisung sort of whispered. he knew if he raised his voice at the older he would end up crying.

minho tilted his head to the side, looking confused. the younger clicked his tongue "don't act confused minho, you know what i fucking mean you absolute piece of shit!" with that jisung threw the first thing he could find straight to minho's nose.

minho yelled out in agony. when he looked up jisung realised minho's nose was bleeding. maybe he should of just thrown a pillow at him?

"fuck" the older muttered as he wiped his bloody nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. "jisung.. i have no clue what you're- woah!" minho was cut off by jisung throwing another random object at him.

lucky for minho, jisung missed. "minho don't play dumb because i swear on my fucking life i will punch you in your face."

"what makes you think i don't love you? i promised you i would give you everything and more, i meant that ji.. and i mean it when i say i love you!" minho sounded so genuine, he sounded like he really meant what he was saying.

"you don't mean it." jisung's voice began to crack, he couldn't give in this time. he just couldn't. the older sighed and looked to the ground. "do you love me?" minho muttered quietly, still looking to the ground.

the han just laughed. "are you seriously asking me that?" jisung scoffed and let out a small chuckle.

"yeah, i'm asking you a question.. do you-" once again minho got cut off, but this time jisung was raging.

"don't you dare ask me that question ever again. every single fucking night i told you i loved you before we went to sleep, every hour of the day i told you how much i loved you. i've loved you since was was 13 minho, fucking 13 years old! i never stopped loving you, even though you clearly never loved me. you know how much you mean to me, you always have. you played with my heart the first time and i forgave you because i'm an idiot. and i'm an idiot because i still love you, but you don't love me!"

minho was looking at the younger, extremely confused. that just made jisung's anger rise. he got up from the bed and punched the older clean in the face.

the room went silent. minho was looking to the floor, holding onto his jaw. "minho.. i didn't mean to-" jisung got cut off by being pushed to the ground.

his head bashed onto the small table tom the side of the bed, causing the lamp to break. glass was smashed all over the floor.

"wait no i didn't mean to do that i'm sorry!" minho begun to panic and kneeled down to help the younger up. before he could even help jisung, minho was met with glass being slashed across his eye.

the lee screamed in agony. "what have i done" jisung covered his mouth to prevent any sobs from slipping out.

and with that jisung wiped his tears and ran out the door. he ignored minho calling his name multiple times, jisung just couldn't go back now.

jisung had no where to go. until something popped into his head.

"if you need me, you know where to find me"

𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃. minsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora