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9:48am, wednesday 16th june 2018.
   (don't play song yet!)

as minho and jisung walked into the café, there was the same 3 boys from the pier. "wow look love, it's the boys from the pier!" the han yelled, a little bit too excited. suddenly minhos attitude changed

"hey um.. maybe we should go else where?" the older suggested, but quickly muttered a small 'oh forget it' as he saw the pout on his boyfriends face.

the two went to there usual table, ordered there usual things, and patiently waited for the music to start.

- play song now (or don't doesn't make a difference)

everyone in the café looked excited to see the two boys, it's like everyone knew who they were.

the one with the black hair who seemed to be teasing the brunette last time was playing piano and the brunette was singing. he sounded beautiful.

jisung really loved café singers, they made the atmosphere so much more calming. especially this one specific boy. his voice was truly amazing.

his voice was calming in a way, but also he gave jisung goosebumps. what was he doing singing in a small café? he should be an idol by now.

"he's amazing, right minho?" jisung turned to minho to see once again, he wasn't paying attention. his attention was set on the boy singing.

it was the same at the pier. but this time jisung noticed something about the olders face, that was different from last time.

he was looking at the boy in a way he never looked at jisung before, and it scared him.

the way minho looked at the brunette haired boy wasn't a look of being impressed by his beautiful voice, nor a look of lust.

minho looked at him like he was in love. of course he wasn't, he told jisung he's never fallen in love with anyone before. he wouldn't just fall in love with some random pretty boy who sings.

maybe he was overthinking it. i mean everyone was stunned by his voice so maybe minho just was too.

but then jisung noticed something else, the boy was staring right back at minho the whole entire time he was singing.

once again, he could just find minho attractive like everyone did. jisung was used to people giving minho stares of lust.

but no one had ever looked at minho like that. the boy wasn't giving minho a lustful stare. it was more of a sad look. he looked hurt.

the two never broke eye contact not even until the brunette boy had stopped singing. even when the song was over the two boys couldn't break out contact.

it was like their eyes were glued together.

when the boys finally broke eye contact it was because the other smoker boy from the pier hugged the two boys on stage.

just as jisung got up to pay, he caught the three boys sitting down in the corner of the café.

jisung heard the piano boy say a quiet "seungmin, are you ok?"

so the boys name was seungmin.

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