Req.: 𝒯𝑜𝑜 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒?

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AAAAAAA angst. I actually know how to write this shit for once.
Also this took me way too long, I am so so sorry

((Original AU- right???))


Narrator's POV:

Love is so hard. For Killer, it was even worse. She had fallen for the one person she shouldn't have under any circumstances. Her boss, the princess of negativity, Nightmare. Not only was Killer her closest ally, but had her emotions under Nightmare's control for a long time.

A knock was heard on the doors of Nightmare's office. "Come in..", she muttered tiredly. Killer, freshly showered and in clean, comfortable clothes, entered the room and came closer. "Hey bossss~ Whatcha doing?", "I'm.. busy." She indeeed was, she hadn't even finished half of the paperwork she had to finish. "Oof.. how about you come take a walk with me and clear you head?", Killer suggested, smiling hopefully. "Again, I'm busy. Go take a walk with Cross, he's been hyper. Now go." Killer sighed a bit. "Alright.. call if you need me, boss." With that, she left.

The girl faced rejections like this a lot. Another time, she kept giving Nightmare roses in various colours for weeks, with a meaning in the colour. Most of the time, the flowers were red, white and salmon coloured, as it meant love, pure love and desire. But most of the time, Nightmare either threw them away or kept them in a vase without thinking of it twice. After a while, Killer gave it up and stopped gifting her roses. Instead, she started gifting her more personal things. A hand and wrist massager, loads of tough, wide rings, coffee cups and more. But Nightmare simply kept the gifts without thanking her, or taking it in a romantic way.

The romantic gestures sometimes annoyed Nightmare which led to Killer getting harder missions. But Killer only put more effort into the missions, trying her best to impress her long time crush. Without success. But to this day, she hasn't fully given it up. Though her right hand man, Lust, fears she soon will. And he doesn't want that to happen, knowing how much love Killer could give, how much she deserved to recieve, and how well the two would work out. But Nightmare stays stubborn..

As she sat on the kitchencounter, Killer was blowing softly into her cup, filled with hot chocolate. The cup was warming her ice cold hands as she listened to the silence that filled the house. Until soft footsteps came down the stairs and she looked up, questioning why anyone else would be awake at 03:57 in the morning. "Killer? Why are you awake at this ungodly hour?", "Oh, hey boss!" Nightmare came closer and stood beside her.
"I just woke up at like 3am and couldn't fall back asleep, so I came down here and made myself a hot chocolate. Would you like one too?", she explained in a lowered tone to not wake up anyone else. "hm.. yes, I'd like one too, thank you Killer..", the other spoke, leeaning back against the counter too.

Killer hopped down onto the floor and started making her a hot chocolate. Before she handed it to her boss, she tried making a heart with cocoa powder, which.. didn't turn out perfect. When she handed it to Nightmare, who thanked her before taking it, the taller woman had to chuckle a bit. "Hm? You okay?", "pfft, yep. The heart looks like it has a smileyface though." Killer stood onto her tiptoes and looked over her shoulder. It really did, a heart with a smileyface. "Awe, it shows my love for you!", "Heh, yeah right."
The two then stood or sat there in silence for quite a while, nothing but the blizzard outside could be heard. "..Why won't you accept me loving you? I mean you don't have to return your feelings so-", "Killer. You're just confused. You can't love someone who's literally fueled by negative feelings." It was clear Nightmare didn't want a response. And so Killer just kept silent, watching the trail of smoke rise from her cup and fade again.

She was turning back and forth, looking at her back, looking at her legs, her front. As Nightmare stood in front of the large mirror against her closet, all she saw was a disgusting mistake. Her mind was spiraling with a million thoughts. Nothing new. Her head was throbbing. She couldn't hear. She couldn't see. She couldn't breathe. All she saw, was an ugly, bratty, manipulative bitch. Then it shattered. She smashed the mirror into millions of tiny pieces. The woman let herself fall back and sat onto the floor, trying to calm herself. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Boss? Is everything okay?", a soft voice spoke. Nightmare kept dead silent. She didn't dare to move a muscle, afraid whoever was by the door would come in and see her being a crying mess. And luckily, whoever was at the door likely understood the message. And so she just stayed in her room, all day, all alone, sobbing.

A couple of days later, Nightmare came downstairs, deciding to take a break from doing paperwork. Though she heard an unusual amount of voices and laughs from the living room. When she came to check, she was pissed to see Color. Color had tried to take Killer from her a lot, especially when she had taken her emotions. „What the fuck is that rainbow dick doing in my castle", „Oh! Hey boss, look who decided to visit me!" Killer exclaimed happily. „I want that cock out, now." Dust, who was also in the living room, just having the sleeping Cross on his lap, kept silent. „But.. Color's my best friend, I haven't seen him in ages", „Out. Now." Killer simply sighed and took Color's hand, dragging him outside. Nightmare turned angrily and went to the kitchen.

The days passed and Killer was out the castle more than usual. Nightmare didn't mind, it did result in a little bit more silence. But it did bother her for some reason too. She didn't have those obnoxious but weirdly sweet comments around her all the time. And after a week of Killer being out the house constantly, out with Color, she realized. Killer made her feel.. good. Good about herself and what she does. And though it sounded selfish, Nightmare knew everyone needs a Killer in their life. So she wanted to ask Killer to go out to the movies that evening, to which she responded that she was already going somewhere with Color. Nightmare didn't care much, but tried again the next few days. The answer was always the same.
What was that she was feeling? Jealousy? But why, she has nothing to be jealous of, it's only Killer.

Two weeks passed. Nightmare was getting increasingly more uptight and upset. One night, she found herself, pissed and disappointed at 2am, waiting for Killer to arrive home. And when she did, she had a noticeable mark on her neck. When Nightmare confronted her about it, she nervously just claimed some animal bit her. Though it was clearly a person's bite, and she didn't seem very happy about it. Two days later, Nightmare was getting desperate...

„Killer, wait up..", „Hm? Yeah boss?" Nightmare came closer to the other who was going down the hallway. „I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to go out for a walk today?", „oh.. I'm sorry boss, I wanted to go get some bubble tea with-", „-With Color, got it.. yeah, go on.." Killer gave her an unsure smile and teleported away, leaving Noghtmare behind. She stood there for a moment, before she felt something cold run down her cheeks. She sniffled and brushed her tears off with the sleeve of her jacket, but they kept increasing. She started to sob quietly, and heard someone approache her. She quickly wiped the tears are turned to see Cross. He stood there for a moment, worried. Then he simply opened his arms, offering a hug. And although Cross annoyed Nightmare even more than Killer ever could, she slumped into him, crying into his shoulder.

„It's okay... she's just a bit oblivious..", „p-piss off Cross, you don't-don't know shit.. it's all that Color asshole..." Cross sighed and rubbed her back. „No, she just missed him is all.. so she tends to forget us a bit, that's all... but to be fair... why didn't you accept her offers earlier? She's asked you so often just to get ice cream and you'd flip her off..." Nightmare kept silent. She didn't know. Had she lost Killer? Would she leave, just like everyone else always did? Cross noticed her worry, and said a bold statement which Nightmare painfully had to agree was true: „You're in love with Killer, boss, even if you don't notice..."


WHAT THE FUCK IM SO SORRY WHY DID THIS TAKE ME SO LONG- IT DIDNT EVEN COME OUT GOOD- I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you, promise, I'll manage a part 2 I swear

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