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Content: Killer takes a vacation to spain with her friend but stranded on the other end of the country where she was supposed to land. A lovely local, Nightmare, offers her a ride to her original destination.

I'm working on the angsty request I swear, I just can't get into writing angst I'm sorrryyyy-So while you wait, have this idea I had while sobbing because I thought I lost someone close to me.

(Also, anyone who speaks spanish or lives in spain, don't kill me. And don't look up the places, you'll find that the distances are much shorter than I described.)

Normal human AU


Narrator's POV

📍𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚, 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣
In a country she's never been in, Killer stood with her suitcase and a coffee in one hand, her phone in the other at a gas station right by the airport. She wanted to get away from her stressful everyday life, and more importantly, her ex. So her friend Soraya wanted to take her for a vacation to spain. But the idiot booked her ticket to land at the wrong airport, one that is on the other side of spain. Right now they were texting each other, going through their options. She'd either take a bus, which would be uncomfortable and long. But taking the plane again would be expensive.

She sighed deeply and took another sip of her coffee. „Fuck me..", „Hola, estás bien?" She looked up quickly, seeing a woman around her age but quite a bit taller smiling at her. „...I don't speak any spanish-", she whispered, panicking. The woman then blinked a couple times and chuckles. „Ah, I'm sorry. Are you alright, ma'am?", „oh." Killer giggled softly and put her phone away. „No, I'm okay. Just in a bit of a- situation.", „May I ask what this ,situation' is?" Killer sipped her coffee again. „Well, I was supposed to land in Culleredo, but my friend got distracted by her boyfriend while booking the tickets and here I am now.", she explained as the woman had to laugh a bit. „Oh my, that is indeed a bit of a problem. Where are you headed, hun?", „I think the place was called Lóngora? Yeah I think it was that." The woman thought for a moment. „Hm. That's very close to where I'm headed, it's been quite a while since I've visited my brother so I wanted to go visit him. So if you want, you can tag along?", Killer was shocked by the offer. She was willing to take a complete stranger on a roadtrip just because they're headed the same way?

„Oh, nono! I'll be okay, really. Thank you..", „Ah, sorry if I made that sound creepy- don't worry, I'm a nice fella, I don't bite. Unless you want me to~" Killer laughed a bit. „Alright, easy there tiger. No, really. I'll be okay, thanks for the offer though..", „hm.. okay then, I'll be around for a little longer if you change your mind, darling." With that, the mysterious and hot as hell woman turned and left. Killer stood there for a moment longer before she looked back at her phone to see two new messages from her friend:

Bad news, flying will be expensive as shit because of current state of Europe and shit, and no busses available until tomorrow.

„..Hey, wait-!", Killer yelled, looking up, unsure what the woman would think. She heard her and turned, looking back at Killer. She took her suitcase and came closer. „I uh.. is the offer still up-? My friend just checked and said that it will be a bit troublesome.. so uh-", „Well, in these 9 seconds, I don't wanna take you with anymore." Killer stood there for a moment, confused. „If that was sarcasm, I need to warn you, I'm bad with understanding it.", „I realize. Come on idiot, let's go on a roadtrip." She gasped and gave the tall woman a tight hug. The other jumped a little but pat her head. „You're short-", „I know, shut up."

Lesbian (Fem!) Nightkiller oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now