Cute little oneshot

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Content: Killer being a dumb feck with a horrible sleeping schedule, light trauma/bad experiences from past relationships being overcome

I think I'll start future chapters like this more often because I've noticed you can't really tell what the other chapters are about, I apologize. I'll probably edit them and do the same.

Anyways, enjoy this thing I randomly came up with. (And the picture of my aunt's dog lying on my leg)

((Human AU))


Narrator's POV:

It's a little past 2am, and the castle was dead quiet. Everyone was sleeping, exhausted from the missions they were previously sent on. But wait, there is one sound.. a shower running faintly. Nightmare got woken up by the little sound, but she knew immediately who the one showering was.

Quietly, she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind herself. Whoever was showering, was humming a song softly that Nightmare didn't recognize. She moved the shower curtain aside a little and stuck her head into the shower. „It's 2.30am.", she simply said. Killer screeched, not even having heard Nightmare enter the room. „What the- Nightmare get out!", she whined and splashed her girlfriend with water, making the other back away. But she only laughed a little, wiping the water off her face. „Honestly though, why are you showering at 2am?", „Well I woke up like half an hour ago and knew damn well I couldn't go back to sleep- so-" Nightmare sighed a little. „So you decided to just get up?", she stated and Killer replied with a blunt ,yup'.

„Damnit Kills.. fine then, let me get dressed too", „But you should rest more Nighty- you were up all night yesterday" Nightmare peaked past the curtain again. „Bitch did I stutter", „NIGHTMARE GET OUT-"


As the rain softly drizzled against the kitchen window, Nightmare warmed her hands against a cup of coffee. Soon Killer also stepped into the kitchen in a white tanktop, black leggings and a horribly fluffy blue cardigan while rubbing her wet hair with a towel. Once she saw her, Nightmare patted her lap and the other happilly took a seat, cuddling against her. „It's surprisingly warm.." Killer nodded in agreement, listening to the soft rain.
They stayed like that for quite a while, quietly listening to the rain and Killer closed her eyes. The rain became more distant, and more distant..

„Oh! Look! It's raining outside! Cmon let's go and dance outisde!"
„The hell? No, we're not in some romcom Killer. Get a hold of yourself."
„Oh.. okay.. sorry for suggesting- it's stupid"
The girl's boyfriend scoffed and got up.
„Where are you g-"
„Fuck Killer, that's none of your business!!"
He exclaimed and slammed the front door closed. She was left in his come down apartment all alone, staring at her cold tea.

„Hey look it's raining outside! Wouldn't it be fun to go and take a walk? Or maybe goof around a bit!"
„Um. Doll we're not in some movie. That's stupid and we'll just get needlessly wet."
„Oh- heh, yeah of course I was just- just joking."
„I know you were. You're not stupid to suggest something like that seriously. But I know another way we can keep warm~"
„Mm.. no I don't wanna do that again.."
„I know you want to, come on~"
And instead of romantic dances in the rain, she was left in pain and definitely no pleasure at all.

„Oi, Killer. You asleep now or what?", „H-Hm? Oh no, sorry babes I just zoned out a bit- what were you saying?" Though she was suspicious, Nightmare repeated herself. „Wanna go out and take a walk in the rain or something?", Killer blinked a few times. „But that's some corny romcom stuff-?", „Hm- okay then- would've thought you'd like that. Alright then."

Killer yelped and took a hold of both sides of Nightmare's face. „No. No, I'd love that. Please, let's go do that." The way she held her caused Nightmare's cheeks to squish together as she smiled sheepishly. „Okay then- put on something warm and I'll wait for you, okay?" Killer nodded eagerly and got off her, running upstairs. The taller woman just chuckles a little to herself and finished her coffee in one go. „Dumbass..", she muttered and put her cup into the sink before leaving the kitchen to put on her coat.

„Darling please just be careful not to slip, yeah?", Nightmare tried reasoning with her girlfriend, but she was having too much fun jumping from one puddle to another to let that bother her. „Night come here real quick!", she gasped, basically glowing. The other smiled wider and came closer to Killer. „Yeah love?", she questioned before getting cut off by a tight hug. Her eye widened but she carefully layed her hands against tge sides of Killer's hips. „Jeez, if you wanted to warm your face in my tits that desperately you could've just said so?", „Th-That wasn't what I was going for! Perv."

Nightmare just laughed a little, amused by how efficient her teasing worked on Killer. „I know that, I apologize my darling. What was it you wanted to ask?", she spokes softly as she moved some of Killer's dripping hair out her face. „Well I just.. wondered if I could have this dance?", the murderer's expression became even brighter. Nightmare could've sworn she felt her heart stop for a moment. Wordlessly she took Killer's hands and moved them around her neck, moving hers back on her hips. „I'd be delighted to, miss Target~", she purred and pulled Killer closer. „Only problem is I can't dance for shit", „No worries my dear, there's nothing like that. Just follow my lead"

Killer hadn't felt this happy in forever. Their little romantic dance turned intoa bit of a less romantic, a more goofy dance until they were both lying in the rain, laughing and giggling. „Oh man- alright watch this.", Nightmare chuckles as she turned to her side. Killer watched her, curious of what weird, useless talent she'd show her next. But Nightmare being able to turn her tongue 180° was probably not what she was expecting. „Owe that's weeeird. I can do this really weird thing where my eyes can turn into all kinds of directions, even the back of my head", to that Nightmare replied with a simple, smug grin. „Ahah, I can arrange that", „Die."


1058 words

It's late and I didn't really know how to finish this off but yeah.

Lesbian (Fem!) Nightkiller oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now