He's here

801 28 2

After we heard the news from Kris, we were all undoubtedly nervous, scared even. Although some such as Chen and Baekhyun, tried to cheer us up and pretend they weren't affected, I knew better.

I couldn't sleep even after an hour of rolling around and shifting my position. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

I sighed and left the bedroom as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake up Tiffany and Luna. They needed their strength for tomorrow.

I didn't bother to bring a jacket with me. I tip toed to the slide door and walked onto the balcony. I shivered a bit at the change in temperature. It was actually pretty chilly since I was only wearing a basic pair of athletic shorts and a loose tank top.

I closed my eyes and leaned over the railing, breathing in some fresh air to calm myself.

I jumped up and nearly fell over the railing when I felt a pair of strong arms encircle my waist and pull me closer.

Recognizing the abnormally large hands trapping me, I relaxed and snuggled my back into the warm chest behind me. "How did you get here Kris?"

He chuckled before replying "I used my feet, babe." I didn't even have to look to know that he was smirking. I blushed slightly at what he called me but elbowed him in the ribs nonetheless.

"Whatever. How did you know I was here?" I asked as I played with his fingers.

"I didn't. I couldn't sleep so I came out here to look at the stars." He replied softly.

I nodded and gazed up at the bright stars as well. I unconsciously mumbled 'stars..' causing him to laugh.

"Yes.. One day we'll be stars too. No, when we debut, we'll shine brighter than the stars.."

"If we debut." I said as I sighed

"We will. I promise." He reassured me as he rested his chin on my head. The height difference between us is literally unbelievable. He's a freaking giant while I'm here barely over 5 foot.

"But.. We've broken the rule. All of us."

"We'll just have to pretend.. Act as if we're not madly in love with each other.." He replied. I could hear the uneasy tone in his deep voice.

"What if we have to break up? All of us?" I asked quietly.

"I.. I don't know babe. We'll figure it out. For now, you and I need to be strong for the others. If we break down, everyone else will too." I felt his grip on me tighten a bit.

"Yifan.." I wiggled out of his grip and turned around to face him.

He gave me a confused look. "Hmm?"

"Why do you think Mr.Lee wants to talk to us?" I asked and kept my eyes focused on the floor.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out tomorrow."

"How much longer until he comes?"

"Well right now it's 1am and he comes at 10am, so 9 hours." He calculated. I couldn't help but smile slightly at his thinking face.

"Aren't you tired? You should sleep a bit before then." I suggested.

"What about you? You should get some rest too."

"I'll just stay here."

"Then I'll stay too."

"You need to sleep."

"Come with me." He pouted.

"Why? You're a grown man." I smirked at his whining.

"Then I won't go." He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Go to sleep Yifan."

"Come with me!"

"You share a room with other people."

"They won't care."

"Ugh. Fine."

"Come on!" He smiled before dragging me inside.

He lead me to the shared room and quietly hopped onto his bed. I sighed and crawled in next to him.

I rested my head on his chest and he covered us with his blanket before putting an arm around me protectively. It was a surprisingly comforting and cozy position.

I yawned and snuggled into him. I slowly fell asleep just listening to his calm heart beat. The last thing I remember before slipping off into a deep slumber is Kris mumbling "I think I love you Kim Taeyeon."

>>> fast forward to 9am <<<

I awoke to the unmanly squeals of Luhan. "Minnie look! They're so cutee~"

I opened my eyes and sat
up. I was met with Luhan's excited smile and Xiumin's knowing look.

"Good morning guys." I waved tiredly.

"Awh look at how cute she is when she's tired~!" Luhan cooed and poked my cheek with his finger.

My chuckled was interrupted when I was pulled down again by Kris. "Stop she's mine. Go play with Jessica." He almost growled. I couldn't help but laugh at his possessiveness.

I sighed in content when Luhan and Xiumin finally left, probably to go see their girlfriends.

"Good morning Yifan." I looked up and pecked the first thing I saw, which happened to be his chin.

"Good morning Taeyeon." He smiled down at me and pecked my nose. I giggled and just stared at him for a while.

"We should probably get up huh?" I frowned.

"I don't want to. I like this." He pouted and hugged me tighter.

"Well we have to, whether you like it or not." I broke free from his embrace and hopped out of bed. "Hurry up and get ready so we can talk to the others."

Although he obviously was not pleased, he obeyed my instructions.

When everyone was awake and gathered in the living room, I walked up to the front of the room.

"As you all know, Mr.Lee is coming in a bit.." I started.

"Taeyeon unnie..?"

I looked towards the direction of the voice. It was Seohyun. I didn't fail to notice her and Tao's intertwined hands. "Yes?"

"Do.. Do we have to break up with each other?" She asked softly.

I stayed silent for a moment before replying. "I-I don't know Seo." I gave up on trying to sugar coat it. I decided that they shouldn't get their hopes up.

Before we could say anything else, the doorbell rang. "He's here.."

Just a small little filler chapter before the good stuff comes. Will update soon!

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