Chapter 24

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This chapter is a little bit shorter, but I promise it packs a punch

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Warmth is all I can feel. I'm the most comforted I've felt in a long time. It feels right like I belong where I am. My lips curl into a smile as I tuck myself deeper into this comfort, trying to soak it in as much as possible. Glowing bubbles in my tummy warmed me from the inside out. Is this bliss? I thought bliss was more lively, louder and boisterous. 

Everything was peaceful until someone started nudging my shoulder. Drowsy and with eyes still full of sleep, I shift a little trying to move but I was being held down by the warmth. Frankly, I didn't want to move, but these voices were irritating me. Sniggers and cackles fill my ears as I start coming to my senses. Ranboo and Tubbo stand on the side of the bed, hands clamped over their mouths, trying and failing to keep quiet. Tubbo nudges me again, trying to wake me up faster. 

It's only then that I realise exactly why they're laughing. Tommy's face was tucked in the nook under my chin, his arms and wings wrapped tightly around my torso. His quiet breathing tickles my skin and I feel a blush starting to form on my cheeks. My arms were slung over his neck and my brown wings stretched in front of me, over the side of the bed. I scowl and swat Tubbo's arm, silently telling him to piss off before he wakes up Tommy. It only made his giggles increase. I roll my eyes at the boys, very aware of the blush on my cheeks and how warm it was with Tommy hanging onto me like a little monkey. 

Holy shit... my groggy brain adjusts to the world and memories from last night flood to the surface. I kissed Tommy... he kissed me back... 

My eyes widen like saucers and my heart skips a beat in my chest. I look down and Tommy and then up at the boys again. They laugh louder as they see my expression which only increases my embarrassment. But what does this make us? I wonder staring down at Tommy's sleeping face. 

After some final sniggers, Ranboo manages to get out some words interrupting my train of thought.
"The doctor wants to come in and talk to you," he says, his voice tired from laughing so much. Seriously, what was funny about this? I want to growl at the two of them for increasing my embarrassment. They are never going to leave us alone now. I sigh knowing that I'd have to wake Tommy. 

"Ok," I say to Ranboo. Feeling guilty, I look at Tommy who had slept through the whole ordeal. Waking him up felt so wrong, especially when he must be so tired after dealing with me last night. I feel the tips of my ears turn as red as my cheeks as an idea comes to mind. This is so stupid, but I don't want to startle him. Tucking my nose by Tommy's ear, I try to wake him quietly.

The Other Side - Tommyinnit x OCWhere stories live. Discover now