Chapter 1

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Jen's POV

I just saw my dad die in front of me. Those goddamn hellhounds tore him apart like a big, juicy steak. I wish I couldn't see them, but dad insisted my brother and I wore these stupid glasses so we could see them. He said if anything happened to him, my uncle John would take care of Joseph and me. He gave us a number to call. I got a voicemail.

This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If it's an emergency, call my son Dean. 785-555-0179. He can help.

My dad told me that if I couldn't get my uncle, then there's a letter for Sam and Dean, my cousins, in a PO box from their father. No clue what that's about, but I'm supposed to tell them the box number. I called the Dean. He picked up on the third ring.


"Uh, is this Dean Winchester?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"I'm your cousin, Jennifer. I was wondering if I could talk to your father."

"He's been dead for 10 years. Look, is there something you need?" He sounded irritated.

"There's a letter for you in PO box 12 at the Lawrence Post Office. Once you read it, meet me and my brother at the bar outside of town. I'm sure you can find it. My name is Jennifer Winchester. I'll see you in a few hours." And I hung up.

"What makes you think they'll show? They'll probably assume it's a trap," Joe, my forever pessimistic brother, said.

"I don't know if they'll show, but we should go anyway," I said, closing the trunk of the maroon '69 Impala. It was dad's, but I guess it's ours now. Joe and I are both 15, so neither of us can legally drive. Luckily, dad made a bunch of fake IDs for us, so I took one out that said I was 16, and got in the driver's seat. I pulled out my favorite CD in all of forever, Shenanigans by Green Day, and played it. Joe rolled his eyes and got in.

"Do we have to listen to this every time you drive," he protested. I started driving to the bar.

"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole," I said, quoting dad. He sighed in defeat.

Now, before I go on, I should enlighten you. My dad was John Winchester's younger brother. My mom died the same way Mary Winchester died. Joe and I are twins. We both have an ability from the demon that killed mom. They still work, even though, from what I've heard, Sam and Dean got rid of it. I can turn invisible at will, and I can turn anything I'm touching invisible, too. Joe can cause pain to others by looking at them. I hate to use this analogy, but you know Jane from Twilight? His ability is kind of like hers. Anyway, we just burned our father's remains. A proper hunter's funeral, you know. We were still cut up pretty badly from the hellhound fight, and most likely still bleeding, too. Now we were on our way to meet the guys that made Winchester a dangerous name to have. Sam and Dean Winchester.

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