Chapter 13

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No one's PoV (These are the letters Jen wrote.)

I don't know where to start. Last night was the best night of my life. Sure, I was drunk off my ass, but I'm still really glad that you were my first time. Don't ever think that my death was your fault. You know about the deal I made. You know my time was up anyway. I love you so much, you know that, right? I love you so so so so much. I love you, but I need you to move on. I don't care if you need to forget me. I know you loved me. It is my selfish hope that you still do. I need you to move on, though. Find a girl nicer, prettier, and more normal than me. Don't you dare say they don't exist, because they do. I loved you back when we first met, I love you now, and I always will. Please don't mourn my death too long. Know that I regret nothing we did, except that we did not say goodbye. Scratch that, it's better left unsaid. My only regret is that I left so suddenly. Remember how you always used to call me "Whatsername" and I'd call you "Saint Jimmy?" Those were the days. Back when all we cared about was music (mostly Green Day) and not getting caught by our dads. I don't know how to end this, so I'll give it my best shot. I love you, but I need to leave you. Try not to miss me to much, Saint Jimmy.
Rage and Love,

There's not much I can say to you. Thanks for keeping my deal a secret until I told it. Thank you for healing me that first time, and trying to that last time. Please, if you can, watch over my brother for me. He tends to do stupid stuff when he's upset. I have a feeling he won't handle my death too well. Thank you for everything, especially your help on this case. This case meant a lot to me. I only knew you for a little while, but you seem like a pretty cool guy.
With Much Gratitude,

Thank you for everything. For taking us in, for helping me out with this case, for bandaging up my arm, and everything else. I know it's not fair for me to ask you to do more than you've already done, but I'm going to anyway. Please please please make sure Joe doesn't go off on his own. Make sure he stays with you. He just lost his, sorry, our dad. He had a lot harder time coping than I did. Now he has to deal with me being gone, too. He doesn't think straight in situations like this. Dad never made him deal with anything. He kind of kept him shielded from the real word. Try not to be too harsh around him. I don't think he'll take it well. Sam, I'm telling you this because I trust that you will make sure Joe is taken care of. Not that I don't trust Dean, it's just that you seem, I don't know, softer, no offense. Anyway, thank you so much.

I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet, because, like me, you aren't one for "Chick-flick" moments. Thanks for helping me and my brother so much. I really do appreciate it. I'm sorry that I didn't get to know you that well. You definitely seem like the "cool cousin." I'm gonna ask you to do one thing for me. Don't cremate me. I know it's a bad idea, but I doubt I'm gonna turn into a ghost, because of the whole Crowley thing. Just bury me back in Lawrence if you can. No fancy coffin, either. Those things are a waste of money. I guess I'm asking you this in the hope you and Sam will find a way to bring me back. You've described hell to me, but I'm willing to endure it if I know it'll save Joe. Don't waste all your time trying to bring me back. Oh! One more thing. Don't let anything happen to my car. If you do, I'll personally crawl out of hell and beat the shit out of you.

I'm sorry I had to leave you like this. I always knew it would go something like this, but I never told you. Dad and I always sort of sheltered you. I need you to stay with Sam and Dean. I love you. Don't you dare forget that. Also, if I'm stuck in hell, I don't want to see you again. You were my best friend. Remember that thing we used to do where we would walk around town and see who could get kicked out of more stores? I always beat you. I'm more annoying than you'll ever be. Remember the time we sabotaged every lifeguard chair in Ocean City, Maryland? We screwed with the legs in the middle of the night, then in the morning they all fell once they sat down. How about the time when we bought skateboards? I broke my wrist trying to Ollie and you could do a kick-flip after the first 5 minutes of trying. We had some pretty great times. Remember those. Make sure you meet up with Jimmy again. I totally ship you guys.
With love, your sister and friend,

They each read their letter. Billie and Joe cried. The others were upset, but they put on a strong front for the boys. Sam and Dean shared their letters with each other. They all drove back to Billie's house. Sam, Dean, Cas , and Joe got their stuff and said goodbye.

"I can't drive," Joe stated plainly. The others exchanged glances before Sam spoke up.

"I'll go with you. Dean can ride with Cas," he told Joe. Joe nodded and sat in the passenger seat of the maroon 1969 Chevy Impala that now belonged solely to him. Dean got into his '67 Impala with Cas. Sam got into the driver's seat of Joe's car. They started driving off, Dean going in a different direction because he was the one who would pick up Jen's body. Sam tried many times to start a conversation with Joe, but it wasn't working, as Joe would just nod or shake his head. They were going home, but to Joe, there was no more home. Not without his dad and sister.

September 13, 2015

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