Chapter 7

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Jen's PoV

We pulled up to Billie's driveway. I don't think I mentioned before, but yeah, Billie is my ex's name. I was shaking. The others pulled up behind us, and everyone got out of their cars except me. I was frozen. I heard my door open and I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I shook my head and got out. I looked down at what I was wearing. Blue skinny jeans, my American Idiot tee shirt, a red plaid flannel, and work boots. I look like shit. I went up and knocked on the door. Billie opened it, standing in blue jeans and a white wife beater shirt. He offered a small smile, which I returned. He looked me up and down.

"Jennifer," he greeted.

"William," I teased. He hates being called William. I stuck my tongue out at him and he frowned. We both started laughing until Dean cleared his throat. I sighed.

"Billie, that's my cousin Dean and his brother  Sam. You already know Joe. Haha that rhymed. The one in the trench coat is Cas. He's an angel." Billie looked a little stunned at first, but then shook hands with everyone. He invited us all inside, and we sat down in the living room. My family on the couch, and Billie and I on the big armchair across from it.

"Okay, so why are we here," Joe asked.

"Well, a bunch of people have been going missing or dying. It's really weird. All the dead people were immigrants in their 20s and they worked at gas stations and grocery stores. The ones that went missing are 12-17 year old girls. 10 people were killed and 6 were taken. All were taken or killed outside of the record shop we used to go to all the time," he told us, the last part referring to he and I.

"That place is still there," I asked. He shook his head.

"Someone bought the place a couple weeks ago, now it's empty," he stated, then his eyes widened and he continued, "they bought the place a week before the first guy was killed."

"Okay, we'll split up. I'll take Jen and him," Dean said, gesturing to Billie, "to check out the old shop and see what the cops are up to. Sam, Cas, and Joe, you guys can check out the morgue."

"No way! I did that last time," Sam protested. They both started at each other for a minute then went into rock, paper, scissors. Dean won.

"Jerk," Sam said to Dean.

"Bitch," Dean replied. They both chuckled a little.

"We're taking my car," I stated. Dean looked at me like I had three heads.

"Um, no, we're taking mine," he countered.

"Uh, no, we're not."

"Yeah, we are."

We argued about it until I felt a sharp pain in my side. Dean doubled over at the same time that I did. I glared at Joe. He shrugged.

"You guys were arguing too much. You're taking Dean's car. Any questions," Joe asked us both. We shook our heads. He smiled. I glared harder. Dean led us out to his '67 Impala and got in. I rode shotgun, and Billie sat in the middle of the back. As we were driving, Dean decided to interrogate us.

"So you two aren't together?" We shook our heads.

"You seem kind of close for exes." I sighed, and Billie decided to explain.

"We dated for the year she was here. We never officially broke up, but we kind of just stopped talking when she left."

"You look a little old for her."

"He's 17, I'm almost 16! He's not too old for me," I whined. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Where'd you guys meet?" We both grinned.

"We met at Warped Tour while Blink-182 was playing The Rock Show," we said simultaneously. Dean looked us like we were crazy, but eh, what the hell. We got to the old record shop. God, I miss this place. It's a shame it's not still here. This case is not going to be the most fun I've ever worked. I can tell that already.

July 25, 2015

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