Chapter 9

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Jen's PoV

We found almost nothing inside. The walls were bare, and the floor was dusty, except for the few footprints we left. We were about to head back to Billie's when he reminded me of something.

"Where's the back room where the owner's son taught us to play guitar?" I shrugged, heading in the direction it should have been. There was a rectangular outline that pretty much blended in with the wall, along with a path on the floor from a door opening outward. I tried to open the door, but I felt something needle-like touch my finger, so I quickly pulled away. It didn't draw blood, but still.

"Hey, I think I found something," Billie announced. Dean and I both rushed over to see. He was holding a small note that said The door opens with the blood of the damned. Suddenly it clicked. The door had some sort of curse or whatever to keep hunters out of there.

"Looks like I actually am useful," I said to myself. Before either of them could stop me, I ran back to the door and pricked my finger on the needle I felt earlier. (Smart move, Jen. Ever heard of HIV?) The door slowly creaked open. The three of us entered and went to look at the walls, which were a disturbing sight. There were creepy stalker photos of each of the murder victims on the wall I was looking at, along with a detailed schedule of their lives. Then there were pictures of their mangled bodies after they had been gruesomely murdered. Fingers, eyes, throats, tongues, scalp. All that was disfigured, but I'm gonna let my brother fill you in on that, because, honestly, it's revolting.

"Fuck," Billie muttered, "Dean, come here." Dean walked over and quickly took all the things off the wall Billie was looking at. I did the same and put them in the bag I brought with me.

"Jen, come on, we're leaving. Now," Dean stated as he walked over to me and protectively stood next to me. Billie did the same on the other side of me.

"Um, guys, what's wrong?"

"I'll explain later, just get in the car quickly." We all walked outside, the door shutting behind us. I rode shotgun with Dean driving, Billie in the back.

"Jen, how come the door opened for you," Billie asked, beginning his round of questions for me.

"I made a deal with a demon a few years back, now I'm on the highway to hell." I smirked at my own joke, which no one found amusing besides myself.

"How long do you have left?"

"6 days."

"What happened to your dad?"

"Died a few days ago."

"Oh, sorry. How's your car?"

"She's fine. Sam better not get her beat up, or else I'll have his head."

"I don't doubt it. So they're the notorious Winchesters you said the creatures all knew."

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p'. After a little bit of silence, I turned to Dean.

"Now explain why we had to hurry out of there." He swallowed and re-gripped the steering wheel.

"This thing's only got 4 victims left. All of them are planned out."

"And?" So what? We just stop it before it gets them.

"Well, according to its plan, you're next."

August 8, 2015

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