Chapter 15

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Joe's PoV

"Joe, wake up," I heard Sam quietly say from outside my door.

"I'm up. What time are we meeting them?" He opened the door and leaned against the door frame. If he weren't my cousin I'd totally bang him. Just saying.

"2 o'clock. It's 11 now."

"Thanks. I think I'll shower now if that's cool with you."

"Of course. Dean went for breakfast, so when you're done, it'll be here." I nodded and he walked away. I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. God, I looked terrible.

I shaved for the first time in weeks. I trimmed my hair a little, too. After I got out of the shower, I went back to my room to find something to wear. I did my usual blue jeans and boots. I dug through my shirts and found nothing. Nothing was good enough. I wanted to look good for Jimmy. I decided I'd ask Sam for advice. I threw on a grey t-shirt and headed out to the kitchen. Dean was sitting there with Sam. Both of them looked up when they heard me enter.

"Egg sandwich?" Dean held one out to me. I accepted it gratefully.

"There's coffee in the pot if you want," Sam told me.

"Thanks." I headed in that direction, pouring myself a rather large cup of the dark life essence.

We all ate and drank our coffee in silence until I spoke up.

"I can't decide what to wear. God, that sounded like something Jen would whine about, but seriously. I have no freaking clue." Sam and Dean exchanged looks before Dean smiled.

"C'mon. I'll figure something out," Dean announced. I shrugged and decided to go with it.

After almost a half hour of trying different shirts on, I ended up going with a red plaid flannel and a light jean jacket. He did a lot of stuff to my hair.

"Since when are you an expert in fashion?"

"I'll have you know that every girl at school wanted to be with me back in the day. I know what I'm doing." I just nodded.

"Dean! Joe! Are you guys ready yet," Sam yelled from the kitchen.

"We'll be there in minute," Dean yelled back. He finished messing with my hair and told me he was done. We both walked outside to meet Sam in the Impala. As usual, Dean drove, Sam rode shotgun, and I sat in the back. We stopped at the local diner. My palms were sweaty, and I was shaking. I quickly composed myself and followed my cousins into the diner. We choose a booth in the back corner and waited.

This was the diner Jen had killed that faerie-vampire thing. This is the diner she ordered that drink at. This is the diner we were at before we found out she was dying. She was dying to save me. I lost my dad that day. I then beat the shit out of her, only to be stopped by Sam and Dean. We got to their place, and Sam dyed her brown hair blue. We also proved that we had powers. She turned a car invisible. I made Dean double over in pain. I wonder if I can inflict pain on myself. I've never tried. I've never had a reason to. Maybe it would keep me from thinking about my sister. I focused on my arm, and, I don't know, willed it to hurt. It's hard to describe. It worked, though. My arm suddenly became incredibly sore. I grinned to myself. I'm going fucking insane. Oh my God, I'm crazy. I'm finding pleasure in hurting myself. I'm fucking insane.

"Joe!" Dean snapped his fingers in front of my face.


"Are you alright? We've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes."

"I'm fine. I just zoned out, that's all," I said a little too quickly. Thank God for Jimmy Ramsay, because I got skeptical looks from my cousins, who probably would have continued to ask me things, had my (super-fucking-hot) boyfriend not sat down next to me. A very short (but still intimidating) man sat down next to Sam.

"Dean! Sam! How ya been?" They all greeted each other.

"Joe, I remembered you were hot, but damn," he whispered to me. I felt myself blushing.

"Also, you're cute when you're embarrassed." This just made me blush even more.

"Fuck you," I said quietly. He smirked.

"I'd love to." I looked down so no one could see how red my face was. When I figured I was back to my normal color, I looked up. Jimmy's dad held his hand out to my.

"James Ramsay." I shook his hand.

"Joseph Winchester, but call me Joe, everyone does."

"Nice ta meet cha Joe."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Ramsay."

"Just call me James." I nodded as a waitress came over. She was the same one we had all those months ago. She smiled flirtatiously at Jimmy, and I made a show out of taking his hand in mine. She frowned for a minute but took our orders nonetheless. We all got burgers, I got coke, Jimmy got Sprite, and everyone else got beer. When that waitress came back, she made sure she bent down to set my boyfriend's stuff down, showing her cleavage. I rolled my eyes and glared at her. She basically threw mine down with an arrogant sneer. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Honey, he's taken, so if you would kindly back the fuck off, yeah, that would be nice," I said calmly. Her jaw dropped. I guess she wasn't expecting to be told off like that.

"Catching flies, are we dear?" Sam choked on the beer he was currently drinking. Everyone else was trying not to laugh. I just glared at the bitch. She closed her mouth and stormed off. I shoved my food into my mouth and quickly finished. No one said a word as we finished our food and asked for the bill. We paid and left, obviously not leaving a tip. I got back into Dean's car and we drove back home. It feels great to be able to say that. I'm going back home.

November 21, 2015

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