Chapter 20 : Epilogue

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~August 23, 5 years later~
3rd Person PoV

Today was Jen and Joe's 21st birthday.

"Why can't we just have a normal, low profile wedding," Joe whined.

"Because I'm not letting my brother and his boyfriend regret their big night," Jen retaliated. Sam and Dean laughed at their argument. Cas appeared in the room and wrapped his arm around Dean.

"Cas, what are you doing?" Dean got really flustered.

"Jesus Christ, am I the only straight one in here," Sam muttered.

"That's a yes," Jen answered. Everybody turned to her.

"Oh, come on. Do you guys really think Ashley is a guy? I've talked about her so much."

"You never mentioned she was a she," Joe said, trying not to grin. The door to the bunker swung open, revealing Jimmy and the girl everyone presumed was Ashley. Joe embraced his husband-to-be.

"Are all the flowers really necessary," Jimmy asked, looking at Jen's plans for their wedding. Ashley took her place at her girlfriend's side.

"Absolutely. A wedding with no flowers is like a burger with no grease," she stated firmly.

"You're Ashley," Sam asked.

"Yupper, that's me. You must be Sam, since you're the taller one. You're Dean, and that's your boy, Castiel. I know Jimmy, and you're Joe. I'm Ashley Ringwald. Are you like, the real Winchesters? The ones that nearly burned the world down a few times?" Jen groaned and smacked the back of Ashley's head. Sam sighed.

"That's us. We stopped last year, though."

A few hours later we were all gathered around the table in the dining room, drinking and sharing stories. Adam had joined us.

"Remember that time we were in Hell," one of the Winchesters asked.

"Which time? I'm the only Winchester who hasn't dropped by there," Joe joked.

"We've come pretty far since then. Joe's engaged to Jimmy. I'm a lesbian. Dean and Cas are finally out. We've all taken a break from hunting. Here's to us," Jen said. They all clanked their bottles and glasses.

"Hold the phone, you went to Hell," Ashley asked her.

"Yeah. The whole fiasco started back when I was 15. I just saw my dad die in front of me. Those goddamn hellhounds tore him apart like a big, juicy steak. I wish I couldn't see them, but dad insisted my brother and I wear these stupid glasses so we could see them. He said if anything happened to him, my uncle John would take care of Joseph and me. He gave us a number to call. I got a voicemail..."
The End

((And... that's a wrap. Thank you all so so so very much for taking the time to read my story. I really liked this one, and I'm sorry it ended so soon. I feel like it was droning on, and the plot had nowhere to go. I might come back to it to do a sequel one day, but that's unlikely. This story will be undergoing editing in the following weeks. Nothing major will change, I'm just fixing up grammar and spelling. I encourage you to check out the other stories I've written. Currently, I have a Fall Out Boy one and a Twenty Øne Piløts one. With this story over, I can start working on new ones I have in mind. Have a fantastic day/night, ilyasm <3))

July 7, 2016

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