Chapter 5

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Jen's PoV

We spent the rest of the ride back trading stories. When we parked, there was a figure waiting for us. I saw Joe reach for his knife, and I did the same. Sam and Dean both had guns on them, so when we all got out, they pulled their guns out.

"Relax boys, I'm not here for you," a familiar British voice said. The guys sighed and put away their weapons. Joe put his knife back, too. I gripped mine tightly.

"Crowley, why are you here," Dean asked.

"Jennifer, long time no see," Crowley stated, "Joseph, you look well." Joe looked at me expectantly. I shook my head and glared at Crowley.

"5 years and 51 weeks, to be exact," I answered.

"What the hell are you two talking about," Dean demanded.

"Jennifer made a deal with me a few years back," he started, but I interrupted.

"But it's not important. It's between me and him."

"You made a deal with a demon," Joe yelled.

"You were dying! What was I supposed to do? Anyway, I've got a week left, Crowley. Why are you here?"

"Darling, don't you remember? You were only supposed to last 5 years. Your daddy made a deal with someone else that kept you alive longer. My dogs were after him, not you. I am disappointed, though. I did quite like them." I shook my head.

"He wouldn't have. He didn't," I said, mostly to myself.

"He was drunk, if it's any consolation," Crowley chimed in. My eyes stung, but I couldn't cry. Not in front of everyone.

"Give me one more week. That's all I need," I pleaded.

"Fine, you've got until your 16th birthday. The only reason I'm allowing this is because I need that thing in Pennsylvania dead. Oh, I've got to run," he said and disappeared. I put my knife away. Dean grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me inside while Sam and Joe trailed behind us.

"Ow! Dean. Let go." He let go when we got in.

"Explain," he ordered.

"It was my 10th birthday, Joe was injured real bad. Something had attacked him. I made a deal with a crossroads demon that got him healed and would keep him alive regardless until he turns 80. Joey, I hope that's long enough for you. The thing that attacked him used poison, so the deal slowed down the poison enough that he'll live until he's 80. I had to kill a few things for the demon and the final part of the deal was that I die when I turn 15. I was willing to die if it meant Joe lived. I still am."

"Why? Didn't you think of how I would feel, having to live for 65 years without you? All alone. Dad's gone, and now I'm gonna loose you, too," Joe expressed dismally.

"I did think of that, actually. Yes, you'll grieve for a few months. Then you can find a guy to settle down with. You could adopt kids. You could have a family. The deal will keep you alive, so you'd be able to protect them more than you can protect me. You might not even have to tell them about the things you did when you were a teenager. Maybe you'll meet another hunter that you fancy. My point is you might not forget about me completely, but your memories of me and grief for me will fade. Until it does, I'm hoping Sam and Dean can help you cope." Sam looked disappointed, upset, and angry all at the same time, while Dean looked like he understood the situation very well but was still unsettled by it. I don't mind that they're angry. They have every right to be.

"Cas, could you stay here with Joe? Jen is gonna go for a drive with me and Dean," Sam said with a tone that told me I had no choice in the matter. Castiel agreed, and I followed the brothers out to the car without a word. We drove around for a while before I finally decided to break the silence.

"If you guys are just gonna tell me how stupid I was to make that deal, or anything like that, save your breath, I've already told myself that."

"That's not what we're going to tell you. I think you made the wrong decision, but you did it for the right reason. That was a pretty noble sacrifice for a 10 year old to make. But Hell isn't something you want," Sam told me, looking to his brother.

"I was there for a while. 4 months had passed up here, but time passes differently there. It was more like 40 years. Every day I was ripped and torn, and then I was whole again. Then it would start over again. The only way I could end it is if I tortured others. Hell is a million times worse than the worst thing that could happen to anyone," Dean said.

"Like I said in there, I'm willing to die and be tortured for all eternity if it means my brother gets to live." I'm terrified. I don't want to die. I never did. But it's way too late for me now.

"It's not too late," Dean stated. Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yeah, you did," Sam informed me.

"Look, I know you guys are just trying to help and all, but really, I'm fine. I screwed up pretty bad, and now I've got to face the consequences. If you guys just happen to come across a way to get me out of hell, I won't protest, but I don't expect that. Please don't waste your time trying to save my soul or whatever. Just look after my brother, please."

"Okay," they answered.

July 3, 2015

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