Chapter 16

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Jen's PoV

I've been down here for so long. 20 years and counting. I have no clue how much time has passed up there, and I frankly don't care. Every single day the demon comes to rip me apart. He leaves, and I'm back together, like that ancient Greek tale of Prometheus. Before he starts, he always offers me a chance to stop the torture. There's a catch, obviously. I'd have to do this to someone else. I've been saying no for 20 years, and it's getting harder to do every day. I've been down here for so long, and everything has stayed the same. Until today.

Mammon came to me today as he always does.

"Crowley requests your presence." The chains holding me up disappeared, and I was forced to stand. My arms were bound behind my back. Mammon gripped my arm tightly and dragged me though many corridors. We ended up in front of large double doors. Mammon knocked, and I was handed off to two other demons inside. The room was a throne room, with Crowley sitting comfortably on the throne. I was forced to my knees by the two holding me.

"Jennifer," Crowley greeted.

"Crowley. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about your cousin."

"Sam or Dean?"

"Neither. John's other son."

"John's other son?"

"Yes. Adam." No one's told me about Adam.

"What about him?"

"Oh, nothing much. Except the bloody bastard escaped the Cage!" Oh, right. Adam. Michael's vessel. I didn't know we were related.

"Pardon me for asking, but why should this concern me?"

"I'm willing to let you out of Hell, as a human, if you bring him to me."

"Can I bring him with me?" Hey, family is family. Crowley thought about that for a moment.

"Only if you're back here with him in 3 days. Word cannot get out that there's been a security breach."

"Thank you."

"Wonderful. Now you best start now. Run along, dear." I quickly got up and exited the room.

I had an idea of where the Cage might be. There's this dark part of Hell that makes a lot of noise. It sounds like two people constantly brawling. I'm guessing those two people might be Michael, the archangel, and Lucifer, the devil. I made my way there, my feet constantly being cut up by the jagged, rocky ground. I eventually did find the Cage. It was exactly that. A dangling cage held up by many chains. They're very fond of chains here in Hell.

I searched the area for any signs of anyone. I found marks in the dusty ground that looked like someone stumbled away, so I followed the tracks. They led me to a meadow. Weird, right? There was real grass and flowers and sunlight. It was beautiful.

I forgot why I was there. The meadow was so pretty. There were rabbits and bugs and birds and snakes. Lots of snakes. I missed stuff like this. I really wanted to lie down and take a nap, so I did. Or I tried to, at least. I was stopped from doing so by a young man with blue eyes and dark blond hair. He almost looked like a younger, less muscular Dean.

"Who are you," he asked me urgently.

"Jen Winchester, you?"

"Adam Milligan. Why are you here? Who sent you? And are you by any chance related to John Winchester?"

"To find you. Crowley. And yes, I'm his niece."

"W-Why did Crowley want me found?"

"I don't know. I was promised that we could both go back as humans if I brought you back to him."

"Then let's go," he said, trying to run ahead but stumbling. I had him put his hand on my shoulder for support, but it was kind of difficult. You see, I'm 5'4 and he's at least 6'1. We eventually stumbled to the big double doors, and I knocked. The doors were yanked open, and we were immediately pulled inside.

"Jennifer, you're back so soon? And you've brought your cousin with you!"

"That I did, Crowley. When can we leave?" He whispered something to one of the demons beside him, who immediately ran off.

"After the feast. After all, we must celebrate two members of my favorite family leaving. And for next time, just so you know, this is Hell, not a hotel. You Winchesters like to come and go." The demon came back and whispered something to Crowley, who nodded and snapped his fingers. A gigantic table with lots of food. God, I was hungry. He told Adam and I to sit down. I sat down next to Adam.

"Don't eat anything," Adam urgently whispered in my ear.

"Are you crazy? I'm starving," I whispered back.

"A lot of myths say if you eat in the Underworld, you have to stay there. Please don't eat." He was right. Hades tricked Persephone in the Greek myths. If you've ever read The Mortal Instruments, the faeries tried to trap Clary and Jace like that.

"Crowley, I really appreciate the offer, but I'm really not that hungry," I stated, trying not to offend the King of Hell.

"Not even anything to drink? And what about you, Adam?"

"If it's all the same to you, sir, I'd prefer to just leave. I haven't got much of an appetite either." Crowley sighed.

"You two are smart. You best be off, then." He snapped his fingers and Everything went black.

I was cold. I was tired. I was really hungry. I felt alive. Don't ask what that means. Being dead feels more, um, dead, I guess. I stretched my hands up, only to be met by something hard and rough. I was in a coffin with no way of getting out.

January 1, 2016

The Other WinchestersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora