Chapter 4

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Joe's PoV

Jen came in, and all she wanted was coffee. That's normal though. Dean had bandaged up the small cuts I'd gotten, and it sounded like Sam did Jen's. She needed stitches, and I only knew that because of the unnecessary profanity.

"So Dean, you guys are pretty popular among the supernatural," Jen stated obviously.

"I've noticed. Before me and Sam let you guys on hunts, we need to know what creatures you know about," Dean said as Sam came back with coffee for Jen. She took it and waited for me to answer.

"Well, basically everything. Angels, demons, Leviathans, vengeful spirits, poltergeists, shape-shifters, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, hellhounds, wendigo, stuff like that," I told him. He was about to respond when someone's phone went off. It wasn't mine, and Sam and Dean didn't answer theirs. We all turned to Jen. She took hers out and looked at the caller ID. She shrugged and answered. All the color drained from her face.

"Yeah, it's me.-I remember.-Long story, what do you need?-Oh. I'm sorry.-Yeah, I'll see what I can do.-See you soon, bye." I looked at her expectantly.

"Who was that," Sam inquired.

"Oh. That was, um," she scratched the back of her neck, "that was my ex-boyfriend. We um, we got rid of a vamp nest around there a while ago. He called and said there's something going on, and he said its 'up our ally'" She made the quotation marks with her fingers.

"And that's all he said? He didn't mention what happened, or what's going on," Sam asked.

"Yeah, that's all he said, but I have to work this case. I don't care who comes with me, but I'm going," she announced.

"We'll go, but not right now. We'll head up tomorrow, you both need to rest. Where is this guy at," Dean demanded.

"Scranton, Pennsylvania," Jen answered.

"Okay, I'll look into it," Sam said. Jen walked away with her coffee to God knows where. I went into the library. I was reading about angels when I heard Jen scream. I jumped up and pulled out my knife. When I went back to the table, Jen was on the floor and there was a guy who was a little shorter than Dean standing near her.

"Who the hell are you," I demanded.

"I'm Castiel. Who are you," he asked. His voice was really deep.

"Cas! What are you doing," Dean yelled. I put my knife back.

"You know him," I asked.

"Yeah. He's an angel. Cas, this is Jen and Joe. They're our cousins, and well, legally our responsibility now."

"You've sustained some pretty bad wounds, Jennifer. I could heal them if you like," he offered. She shrugged.

"As long as you don't kill me in the process, go ahead." He put his finger on her forehead and her cuts closed.

"Thanks, I guess."

"You're welcome." Castiel looked at her with concern, but Jen brushed it off.

"I have to go get stuff from the car, I'll be back in a minute," she announced and walked out the door.

"Joseph, you look distressed," the angel stated.

"Huh, that's odd. I'm fine."

"You're lying."

"It's nothing you could help with, unless you can bring my father back."

"No. It's alright to grieve, but you can't try to bring him back," Dean interjected. I was about to answer when I got a bag thrown at my face. I looked up and saw Jen running to the bathroom. I shrugged it off and picked up the bag. It had clothes for me in it.

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