Chapter 9

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Thorin's POV

I still have in mind that our Mountain is an strategic place, but they are really weak, so it will take time for them to attack somewhere.
It's been one week since then, and we've been training hard, at first we fought with trees but then fought between each other with precautions, of course. Planning has gone good, if we receive some help from Gandalf we could get the Eagles to take us really high and spy on them. After the Elves could attack and distract on the front, the humans could help us with the infiltration. But it's not well planned yet.
We've send letters, to humans, to elves, and to my other cousin to help us. With Ori's experience with birds he said that the birds would carry the letters successfully.
Everything is settling very good, except Bilbo and I. With all this we have taken distances, and fought constantly. He has this temper that makes him so irritable. I'm really trying but it's not enough for him.

Bilbo's POV

I been training and doing everything as Thorin commands, but I'm sick that he doesn't spend any time with me. And when he spends he is so stressed that we only fight and fight. I try but he doesn't let himself. I even think he likes Ori sometimes, because he normally helps him, and talks to him. He even does this touching 'guiding' him, but it's really weird. And I know it's my jealousy, so I keep it away, but he's my boyfriend so I really get angry.
Like right now, I'm carving some sticks to make arrows, but I have a perfect view of him and Ori. He is just behind him almost hugging him, his hands are grabbing Ori's 'guiding' so he gets 'better' shooting his slingshot.
I can't take this anymore. He is getting into my nerves. I'm going to blow up anytime.
"Wait for me" I said to Fili, handing the sticks I had.
"Mm-mm" He said in response. I walked all my way to him. They just shot a perfect hit. Thorin turned Ori and looked at him, I was burning. He said something to him and turned to me.
"Can we talk?" I asked him, really pissed off. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away some meters. I was sure no one could hear us.
"Okay Thorin... How do I explain this?"

So they are really breaking apart no? There's actually nothing between Thorin and Ori, Bilbo just overreacts and sees everything really wrong. But anyways, thank you for reading!

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