Chapter 12

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Dwalin's POV

I received some news from the humans and elves. No one has seen Gandalf in a while, so no news.
I entered Thorin's tent, and found him with Balin, they were seeing a map in the table.
"Dwalin! Just in time, come here" I got to one side of the table and looked at the map, it was of the misty mountain, maybe it was about the attack.
"I got some news"
"About what?" Said Balin.
"First, everyone is ready, we've trained enough, everyone is healthy and we're ready to strike when you give the signal"
"That's great!" Thorin exclaimed.
"Second, the Elves said, they will help us, in change of setting a camp, inside of the mountain"
"You mean, we will be allies for a long time? And they will steal our goods?"
"Yes and no, Thorin, we need their help, anyways we can give them the destroyed halls, and they're no miners, they will never steal anything"
"Dwalin is right Thorin, please consider it for a moment"
"Alright, we need them, and it will not be a problem, we could help each other" I thought it would be harder.
"Third, humans have agreed to help us, they only ask for training"
"Send Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Nori and Dori to train and help in anything the humans need, tell them to give essential training, and some extras. Everything they can, they have one month"
"Thorin we are running out of time" Balin said worriedly.
"Balin, just a month more, they need to train and we need a response from Gandalf "
"What will the rest do?" I asked, I mean like nothing?
"We'll spy on them, get their plans, or maybe get their numbers"
"I'll go and give the news and orders to the rest"
"Thanks Dwalin"

Bilbo's POV

I was walking in the woods, watching the trees, the animals, hearing the wind, the birds. Everything was so beautiful. A sat resting my back against a tree, and closed my eyes.
When I woke up, the sun was setting, the lake's water was really calm and it mirrored the sky. I went and seat near the water and observed myself.
Suddenly I saw Thorin behind me, smiling.
"Hey" I said. I turned to kiss him but he wasn't there, I looked at the water again and there was no one.
What was that?
I looked at the water, and I saw myself, frightened and with blood on my face.
I touched myself and there was nothing. I splattered the water, disturbing the peace in the lake. I stood up and headed home.
Why was I scared and with blood?, was I hallucinating?, was that a kind of signal?, why did I saw Thorin?

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