Chapter 15

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Bard's POV
It has been months now since we helped the Dwarves getting the Misty Mountain back. I've had a rich exchange of letters with Thorin, trying to reach an agreement for the reward of our help. Some are long, some are short. Some are rude, some are polite. But this has been going on for months and still there's no conclusion. Worst part, my people are angry and becoming increasingly anxious, but what can I tell them?
This time, my letter is for Mr. Baggins instead. I know he has a good influence on the decisions made at the dwarves' table. I try to write the whole situation with Thorin, trying to point out the key points and of course remarking the aggressiveness, specifying that it wasn't reciprocated. Wrote the petitions by my people, and convincing him to have some empathy with us.
I look at the letter, is of a considering size, but not as some letters, or must I say speeches, sent by the Sovereign Thorin Oakenshield. Gandalf gifted us a magical eagle, which we only use for our lettering issues. I grab a horn, which seems ancient but of some power, and blow producing a deep, strong song from it. As per usual, the eagle turns up some minutes later. I specify to send it to Mr. Baggins, as Gandalf told me, or as I understood. And send it on its way.

I hope to make some progress from now on.

Bilbo's POV
The stone, so beautifully carved. The symbology, with such meaning. This mountain, that's why it was so important to Thorin. It's so powerful, sovereign, authentic, unique. I can't even find the words to describe a love for this place which wasn't there before. Maybe it's the memories, the company, maybe it's the change it has provoked in me that has corrupted me so much, maybe there's no identity in me anymore and I search it here, in these magnificent halls, so many rooms, now empty. Many years ago, these may have been filled with dwarves filling the room with many sounds, odours, laughter, joy, happiness. How much can be—
I'm drawn out by a pair of arms surrounding me and holding me close. I smile.
-You look so majestic when you're thinking, you know that?- He whispers into my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder. I close my eyes and breathe. I let myself be embraced as I lean on him. We start slowly swirling around the room in this position, which we do dumbly, and eventually fall. I roll to be laying at his side and I look at him. He is laughing, I hadn't noticed. I seem to be spacing out a lot. I only smile, admiring his face. The way he laughs is just gorgeous. I lean in for a kiss, and he embraces me while doing so. He moves a hand to my lower back and the other slides to my hair. I can only manage to slide my hands in his neck and we kiss passionately. How can I feel so much for a simple kiss? Its not just love, admiration and nurture also play a role. Lust and desire are never left behind, but I know we can't do that in a hall. His leg moves over my hip, so we are closer, more intimate. I let myself flow and bite his lower lip. And he moans a little. Wet—
Something wet and hot suddenly hits my face, and I jerk away. As a reaction I grab my face, I touch it with my hand discovering a brownish, substance. Thorin now sitting up, makes a mockingly frown. He starts hysterically laughing.
-That fucking bird!- He can't compose himself -It did the same to me the first time a letter arrived!- He managed to say before rolling in the floor laughing. I look up only to discover a picturesque eagle, it seemed out of this world. He seems to bring something on him.
I get up, I have to clean my face up, then I see what the bird has to offer me.

Shitty I guess, but baby steps. I have to remember what I was doing and what I was going to do to continue. Sorry, just as I started writing I forgot to English™ and I swear I couldn't write but I managed to get 700 words, so that must be something! Shoutout to @sweden01 and @Cherrybutts for reminding me to write. Sorry I'm just not accustomed for people to like my writing so I kind of just leave it.

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