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Fili's POV

I saw Kili ran through a corridor and disappear. I turn around and see some Orcs running to me. I get my sword out and slay the first 2 but as I was killing the second another Orc got me from the back. I fought to get free but then I see another Orc bring Kili. They put us in the ground and then put their swords on our throats, I gasped I could feel the blade starting to cut my skin. Then the Pale Orc got near and said something. One Orc ran and blowed through a Horn, the Orc that kept Kili carried him in his back, he started to fight but the they knocked him out. When the Orc removed his blade from my throat, I tried to run and save Kili but then an arrow cut across my leg. I screamed as hard as I could, it hurt. I fell to the ground and then I was knocked out too.

Thorin's POV

I was fighting some Orcs when a Horn sounded strongly not so far away. The Orcs in front of me started to retreat and I took advantage and ran to them slaying them. I went to the edge of the mountain I could see that all the Orcs were retreating, but at last, an arrow rain was showered on them, and most died. I heard a strong and painful scream, near from my position. It was Fili's. I followed the scream and I could only see the Orcs mounted on their wolves and two of them carrying Fili and Kili. If I tried to get them, I would never get near and if I did they could kill me. I need to make a plan.

So just saw The Hobbit 3 and I can only say that it was so great and so gay! I mean Thorin first thought that his own kin were the stealers of the Arkenstone and then he gifts him the mithril protective thing (I can't remember it's name) and then the looks they gave to each other. And finally Bilbo always said "He was my..." and I knew he wanted to say "Love of my life" but he knew that society would look at him like "Wat" so he said "friend". Well that's all, hope you like it.

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