Chapter 10

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Thorin's POV

"Okay Thorin... How do I explain this?"
Bilbo said, he is really pissed off about something, and we are going to fight again. I feel it coming. "You have been so irritable since all this! I try my best but you get to my nerves, and I can't take this anymore!" He started to scream.
"Me? Irritable? Every time I try and talk to you, you always get mad at me for something and make me blow up!"
"You never spend time with me! And every time we talk, you always get angry and scream at me!"
"Because you shout first!"
"You know?! I'm so done with you, Thorin!" He walked away.
I turned to go back to what I was doing, and everyone was staring at me, surprised.
"What?!" I shout at them, and they went back to work. I sat on a rock.
It's all his fault, he is the one that yells at me. I've been really busy, yes. But when I go to spend time with him, he always complain, I try to explain, and he explodes. I'm done with him!

Bilbo's POV

I went to the lake nearby. And sat watching the lake.
It's all his fault, I mean, he never counts me on anything he does, he has me like a pet. When he talks to me, he doesn't want to listen, he just wants to complain about all his stress and everything else. And yes, he is there with Ori. So I'm done with him!

Fili's POV

"You know I'm so done with you, Thorin!" Bilbo finished Thorin. He walked away, he looked like he would explode.
Thorin looked at us, he noticed our staring. "What?!" He shouted at us. I went back to work with the arrows, it's better to leave Thorin alone. But I can't leave this like this!
"Kili, you think we can pull them together again?" I whispered to Kili.
"Of course we can" He answered me.

Dwalin's POV

Never thought that my king, Thorin, would be in love with a Hobbit, I even thought he loved a dwarf friend of his. But anyway, I believe they need time, they'll come together and forgive each other. Then, they'll be together, again, I hope.

So new points of view! I'll try and do every single POV of each character! Hope you all like it, thanks for all the support really! Love you all!

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