Chapter 4

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Bilbo's POV

As we were walking to were Thorin last saw them, all we could see was bodies and fire, no sunlight and the wind was colder than usual. There was something in the air that made me feel sad, it was thick.
I was the last walking, I was the tail, Thorin was at the very front, guiding. I wanted to be at his side, just talking.. I started to walk a little faster but I couldn't even catch up with the rest. They were faster at climbing. I almost fell but I felt someone hugging me making me stand, I looked up to realise it was Thorin.
"Careful, careful" He said.
"Uh thanks" I said nervously.
He separated us, and turned around, he continued walking and I followed by his side. Our hands were almost touching, they were a few millimetres away.
"Hey Bilbo.." He started.
"Uh, I.. Do.. Do you know what we're going to do?" He said, I can say he was really nervous.
"Yeah, I do know" I answered looking at his blushing face.
"Okay, right" He said covering his face. Oh god, he looked so lovely, I like when he blushes, I feel something for him, maybe it's love, but I can't tell him.. It would be weird. Oh but I want to tell him.
"You are my best friend, you know" I said.
"Really?" He said looking at me.
"You know Bilbo, you are more than that to me" He said. But what the hell was he referring to?
"What do you mean?" I asked sweetly.
"Thorin! Come, they are here" Balin interrupted us. Thorin looked at me and then ran towards the rest.

Halflings in love (Bagginshield)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora