Chapter 14

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Thorin's POV
The sound of clashing blades, screams of agony and pain, continual grunts and gasps, and the constant loud thump of fiery rocks thrown by catapults over the mountain behind us. You could feel the fearful and shaken souls around you, such panic. One had to stay undisturbed and head high if I wanted to lead them and give some strength in spirit. There was blood, everywhere. Mud under us, along with many corpses. You couldn't really tell what was happening. The mountain was in front of us, our greatest motivation. Orcs, humans and us fighting.
Bilbo was my companion, we divided, in groups of two, three, and even four, to lead small armies of humans. Bilbo and I were fighting side by side, covering each other's back. The plan was that each of us would lead a group of humans in different areas of the battlefield, while we waited for the signal. Fili and Kili trained a special group of humans, who were going to be more stealthy and have certain skills needed for the plan. With the special recipe Gloin had to make fire more intense they made a device that contained pieces of sharp metal, and the special recipe made it explode releasing them, making extreme damage. They detected before that they made a great device which would be impossible to defeat, they would destroy it inside the mountain along with any of the troops left and that would be the signal.

Fili's POV
"David" I whispered and made the signal to execute to one of the humans I had become fond of. We had trained together for months, and he was increasingly and insatiably curious of learning how to move the sword, axes, whatever. He came with the magnificent idea of making the devices. Kili and I love him, he is different. Our plan was that we would put the devices in strategic points to destroy the machine. I looked at Kili and smiled, he smiled back and pushed me gently, he went in first.
We were going to enter through on top of the main entrance, the orcs made some changes to the mountain through our months of preparation, they made weird holes around the door, and made pathways. Through months we secured one of these pathways, were we were going to enter. The orcs were distracted, scared, and excited for the battle outside, you could feel the anxiety they had to run outside and kill. The machine they made was even bigger that expected, it was massive, and looked deadly. We were going to need more devices, luckily I brought more materials. I stayed at the entrance of the pathway and started to make more devices. Kili was going to pass them to the humans, and they would put them in place.

Kili's POV
Fili was making devices or as I like to call them "Booms". Fili and I have constantly fought about the desired name for them, he insists on "Bombs" but I want to go for the sound they make. He passed one, I threw it at Jonah, one of the most dedicated humans. Another to Tom, he's the most funny guy. Another to David, the best one. Another, and more to the rest. I looked at Kili and signalled "Stop". When the humans retreated, Fili shot a fiery arrow to one of the bombs and it blew up. We ran back outside as fast as we could. The screeching of the Orcs as they died was strong, but seized as fast as it was produced.

Bilbo's POV
BOOM! Was heard from the mountain, a screech of pain, and as it happened Orcs, Humans, and Dwarves stopped to fight to look. The earth shook, fire came out of the main doors, and smoke escaped from inside. I hope Fili and Kili and their group made it out alive. Amidst all the calmness, I could see Thorin looking greater and more powerful than before. He had his blade in his hands and was covered in blood. All the calm stopped and violence continued, this time humans and dwarves fought more intensively and strongly. Making the Orc numbers be reduced in no time.
When finally the battle was over, humans and dwarves reunited back at the camp to mourn our losses, and celebrate our victories.

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