How Do You Milk A Almond?

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We all did our patrols for nearly two weeks and not gonna lie, it was difficult. The leech would toy with us, dragging us on before jumping into the ocean or something but she always came back. It was even more annoying because I hadn't truely even seen her yet. Only a quick flash as she ran past me. I more followed her trail. 

It also didn't help that we had more than fifty men with guns constantly hunting us even though we were trying to protect them. Then to top it all off was Bella Swan. The girl just made my life difficult. It was hard to focus on patrols because she was all Jake thought about, his kind seemed to be filled with just her and it was affecting the rest of us. He never did tell me who he had a crush on, but I'm pretty convinced by now it's Bella. 

So, as usual, I was on patrol. But this time we all were. There was a group out hunting and Jacob alerted the pack that the vampire was following them, most likely preparing to kill one of them. I was worried, I had delivered food to Harry Clearwater down by the docks this morning and he mentioned going hunting so no doubt he was with the group. 

I loved Harry, he was a great guy who could be stern but always seemed to look out for me since day one, just like Billy. As much as I wanted to chase the vampire too though, someone had to continue the regular patrol to make sure it wasn't a distraction and another one wasn't sneaking in and Sam assigned that to me. 

And now I was here. I continued to run the dirt trail that had been formed from us continuously running through it, all the grass gone. Normally I didn't mind patrol because I always had someone to talk to, but I didn't today. Sam had blocked my connection with the pack so my wondering thoughts wouldn't distract them. It was lonely. 

I was lost in my own thoughts, which strangely enough at the moment were about how the hell people milked almonds, when a now very familiar scent caught my attention. It seemed to be everywhere now, all over Jakes house, up and down the beach, intruding in Emily's house. As much as I didn't want to, my boredom made me follow Bella's scent, might as well find something interesting. 

I was confused where her trail took me though, at first it was through the forest, completely off my patrol path, and then to the cliff diving spot I had been to a million times with the pack. It was the highest cliff around that I knew of. 

I phased back before walking through the tree line, passing a rock with clothing thrown onto it then looking up in time to see Bella sprinting off the edge. "Bella, no!" I screamed, running to try to grab her but she slipped through my fingers. I panicked. This was by far the most dangerous spot around, waves hit the rocks constantly and she wasn't strong enough to swim out. 

"Bella Swan, if I die because of you, I'm going to strangle you." I muttered before taking a deep breath and jumping. 

It took about eight seconds before my body hit the water, and damn did it hurt. As often as I jumped off that cliff the impact of the water still surprised me. I immediately opened my eyes and looked around, finally spotting Bella in time to see her be smashed against a rock and her eyes close. 

I kicked my legs and swam after her as she started to sink, air bubbles beginning to leave her mouth. When I caught up to her I hooked an arm under her armpit. I hauled her upward, taking in a huge gasp of air as soon as my face broke the surface. I began to swim to shore, worry increasing when she didn't open her eyes until suddenly an excruciating pain in my chest made me gasp, my arm slipping from Bella ever so slightly. 

My vision wobbled ever so slightly and I blinked rapidly, tightening my grip on Bella and forcing myself to swim forward until yet again it felt like a brick had hit me in the chest. I gritted my teeth and pushed forward, ignoring the urge to abandon Bella and get to shore. To do anything to make this pain stop. 

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