What you said

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I run off the beach and climb in the car I rented, speeding off as fast as I could.
How could he? After all that crap about how he just wants me. He will always come find me. Even the simple I love you's. You can't just say all that and give up so easily. He could at least try to understand my view point, it wasn't all cheating or all rape. It was complicated, I didn't know what it was. But that's beside the point. I can't believe him. He's weak. that's why he dropped this relationship. I came out here to be strong. I came out here to make things work and if he would have just tried, is he would have just tried we could have worked. we were meant to be. I needed him and I loved him. NO BAY NO! You can't think like that you don't need a man you are strong enough yourself. You don't need that no good idiot. No no I do need him. it's impossible not to need him. I need him. I don't want to need him. I don't want to love him. I feel my body rack with sobs. my face is covered in salty tears. My lap is soaked with the evidence of pain, no that's not the right word. pure agony. Even that doesn't capture what I'm feeling. Lord help me. Before I know it I'm at my hotel. I pick up all my broken pieces and tears, and run inside. I run up the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. Up. Up. Up. Three flights. Finally I reach 305. I struggle pulling my card out of my pocket and swipe it. I run in and collapse on my pillow, letting it absorb my tears.
"What am I going to do?" I whisper before another wave of sobs comes through.

Emmetts pov

It's done. I can never get her back. I can never have my Bay, no she's not MY Bay anymore. I can never have Bay back. I don't need to be with someone who cheats. But it wasn't cheating. It was rape. Why did I do that?!?! She was just blaming it on herself. I mean she shouldn't have gotten drunk but she didn't tell tank she was ok with it she tried to push him off. I'm such an idiot. Bay will never take me back. I've hurt her twice. That's it I can't even make up my mind. I need to think about this more.
"Everyone leave, we're done here. Go home I can't do this." I sign to Skye as she translates. I head home. Constantly going between mad at myself then mad at Bay. When I get to my dorm I take a freezing shower to clear my head. I've come to a conclusion. I can't come to a conclusion.

Bays pov
I get a plane ticket to KC for 7:00 it's 5:00 now. I gather my bags which were still packed. I let one more sob escape my body and I check out of my hotel room and climb into my car.

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