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As soon as I got home I ran to my room past everyone. It's been a week. I haven't left. I haven't spoken to anyone. I've eaten nothing. I can't stop going through my Emmett box over and over. I've stopped crying but that's not impressive because my tear ducts are dry. Now I just sort of sob waterlessly. I locked the world out. No literally I locked my door when I got home and haven't unlocked it since.i don't know what I'm gonna do. All I want is for Emmett to hold me and tell me everything's going to be ok.

Emmetts pov

I get on the plane to KC. I immediately start going over what to say. It all sounds cheesy and repetitive. Or it sounds scripted. Which it is sorta. It will come to me when I need to say it. I hope. I fall asleep as the plane takes off.

When I wake up we've landed not a minute ago.i grab my stuff and leave. I rent a car and it's 2:00 pm. I head over to the Kennish's house. Kathrine wearily lets me in and I head to Bays room. I can't explain my nervousness. I gather my courage and knock on the door.

Bays pov

I hear a knock on my door and for some reason I really want to answer it. "Hey I want Emmett so bad maybe it him" I joke to myself as I get up to answer the door. As I unlock it and open it I continue chuckling humorless let to myself.i open the door and my smile falls to the floor. My eyes widen and I see the electric blue eyes and fiery red hair, I slam the door.
Emmetts pov
After a little bit the door opened. I saw a smiling Bay turn into a wide eyed bay. Suddenly the door shut and I felt the ground shake.

Bays pov
I laid against my door and felt it start to open. I loved and went to sit on my bed. Emmett came in and I felt the tears coming.

Please tell me what u think. I will post again tomorrow probobably xoxo 😉😃

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