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"hey umm what's up?" I asked unsure of what was happening.
"bay you of all people know I'm not going to give up." Emmett signed.
"Emmett I cant do this you keep making mistakes you need to stop I can't deal with it every time I can't let you break my heart over and over again and just keep forgiving you and-" Emmett cut me off.
" I know bay, and I became the stupidest person ever when I let you go but I need you to forgive me. I am truly and honestly so sorry. I can't live without you. please." he pleaded desperately. I sighed.
"Emmett what if you were right. what if we are just too different. and even if we're not I don't know how many times I can forgive you. really Emmett how many times are you going to do this. and don't tell me never because that's what you said before." I said now crying.
he sat in silence.
I do love him but this isn't fair.
"Emmett the world keeps trying to tear us apart. maybe we're not meant to be. "
I say.
"no bay don't you see. the world keeps trying to tear us apart but we stay together. we keep coming back to each other and we shouldn't give up after everything." he said. we both stepped forward and into a kiss.
once we pulled away I said,
"Emmett, I'm giving you another chance. only because every time you break my heart some how you end up putting it all back together again. just, I'd appreciate it if this time you didn't break it in the first place." I said and signed. he nodded and kissed me again. I hope this is the last chance I have to give him but I know that I will always forgive him. I love him. Its impossible not to give him another chance.

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