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"Bay you know you have tot tell Emmett right? If he's gonna be a dad he needs to know. I know he'll help you care for it, if you keep it, you are keeping it right?" Daphne said once I'd calmed down.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I don't want to put it in the foster care system or up for adoption. And I would hate to have an abortion, but I'm too young to raise a child. So is Emmett. We still have school and I don't want to drop out, and I would be a bad parent. I just don't know what to do.

"Bay you wouldn't be a bad parent. And I'm not going to tell you what to do." Daphne said. "So are you going to tell Emmett?"

"Ya I guess I sorta have too either way, and I can't get an abortion without his permission, being that it's his child. And there isn't really a way I can hide it that long. Might as well get it over with." I said.

"I'll go text him now." I said getting up and leaving daphne in the bathroom. I think I lied. I had full intentions of telling him. But I couldn't bring myself to do it just yet. I mean how am I supposed to lay this big thing on him if I've not accepted it? I won't tell him yet. But I will tell him soon.


I get a text from Emmett an hour later asking if I want to go to a captioned movie.

I agree and he says he'll pick me up at 7.

I pick something to wear, and by the time I finish it 6:52.

Oh no. I feel nauseous. I run to the bathroom and by the time I'm done throwing up its 6:57. I wash out my mouth and hear emmetts motorcycle roar up.


After the movie I hang at emmetts. We mostly make out.

Oh no. The nausea. I can't let Emmett find out that I'm pregnant yet.

I ran out of the living room in his apartment and to the bathroom. Emmett ran after me.

He held back my hair and rubbed my back while I threw up. Once I had washed out my mouth he immediately started questioning me.

"Are you ok? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, signing almost too fast to understand.

"I'm fine I think I just ate something bad." I sign lazily.

"Ok, do you want me to take you home?" He asked his eyes still laced with worry.

"Ya." I replied.

He took me home and I climbed the stairs flopping on my bed. I reached for my phone and realized that I left it at emmetts.

I drived to to emmetts and walked in the apartment, as he'd told me to do, since he couldn't hear me knocking and he couldn't afford to install the lights that flash when the doorbell rings. I saw him in the living room, he walked back a bit and Simone entered the room, walking till the point she was uncomfortably close to Emmett. She was talking quiet so I couldn't hear her.

All the sudden their lips connected, I couldn't tell who kissed who, but Emmett was deffinitely kissing her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he grabbed her hips, although he looked a little uncomfortable doing it.

My eyes filled with water and I stepped into the living room.

"What the h311 is going on here!?" I said rather loudly. Simone jumped back but then saw me and smirked at me. Emmett looked confused at first but then looked to where Simone was looking and his face filled with shock and sorrow.

"Bay what are you doing here?" Emmett signed.

I stormed through the living room and into his bedroom and grabbed my phone off it.

"I left my phone." I signed angrily.

"You two can be back to whatever you were doing now. I'll be leaving. Bye. Bye Emmett." I sign and say angrily as tears roll down my cheeks. I spit emmetts name out sharply and venomous. I storm out of the apartment and slam the door. I run down the stairs, not taking the elevator.

The tears pour more.

I can't believe he would do this to me. Again. I trusted him. I can't forgive him this time. I won't let myself. He'll hurt me again.

Sh1t. I'm still pregnant with his child. But I don't want him to be a part of... The baby's... Life. I don't want to date him again. I wanted to marry him but not anymore. Not if he's going to keep cheating on me. Not If he's going to keep breaking my heart. Not if he's going to keep going to back to that s1ut Simone. God they deserve each other.

I'm not going to let him break my heart again.

I get home and run up the stairs as I hear my mom ask me why I'm crying.

" I HATE HIM!!!!! I HATE HER!!!!!!"I scream as I flop onto my bed.

I burry my face in my pillow.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can.

I just cry for the next hour.

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