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Me and Emmett sat happily on the couch in his new apartment watching subtitled movies. We didn't really pay attention to the movie as much as we made out though. I was happy things were OK for now. Suddenly I got nauseous. I pulled away and ran to the bathroom. Emmett chased after me and held up my hair and rubbed my back while I threw up. Now I was almost positive I was pregnant. I was late but decided to push the idea of being pregnant out of my mind and not jump to conclusions. When I was done I washed out my mouth and told a worrying Emmett,
"I'm fine. I think I just ate something bad.i should go, I'm gonna go to the drug store and pick something up for food poisoning." After a bit of convincing Emmett reluctantly let me leave. I immediately went to the drug store and got five pregnancy tests, just to be sure. I went home and took them all and waited the most agonizing five minutes of my life. I was not by any means ready to be a mom. And what if Emmett left me. I couldn't do this without him. My phone went off signalling that the tests were ready and interrupting my thoughts. All five said positive. I started crying. Daphne came in to check on me, having been told by Emmett that I had puked, and noticed the tests and their results and me crying on the floor.
"Oh no. Bay." Daphne whispered under her breath. Walking over to console the girl crying on the ground.

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