A Small Betrayal 2

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Augus walked into his foyer, dripping water and squeezing it out of his hair, stamping his boots out on the floor. He walked quickly into his home, unaccountably furious at having teleported home so effortlessly.

He halted when he saw Gwyn – wearing clothing filched from the human world – crouched by the sofa, looking like he'd been sniffing the armrest before freezing in place. He now stared at Augus, eyes wide, pupils blown, fingers resting on the floor.

It was quite something to see him out of his room, and as far as Augus knew, this was the first time Gwyn had been brave enough to explore.

There was no chance to say anything before Gwyn scurried back to his room and the door closed with a click. And it was scurrying. An almost silent, stooped over run, which – Augus thought – was frankly ridiculous given the creature was tall and broad.

He walked into his kitchen and picked up a bitter yalwort root, biting into it with more force than was necessary. He finished and stalked down his corridor, stopping at Ash's closed door. Was he there? Was he still sleeping?

Augus snarled and pushed on the door with both hands, shoving hard, calling waterhorse strength. The door splintered, squeaked, bowed forwards and then the hinges broke.

'What the fuck?' Ash shouted, and Augus saw his blanket covered brother half tumble, half fall out of bed. Ash yanked blankets off his head and stared at Augus in surprise.

'Guess who's Court status?' Augus said, before continuing to not-quite-stomp into his room, pushing the door open and going straight to his wardrobe. He didn't know if Ash was following, and it didn't matter.

'Augus, what are you talking about?' Ash said, and Augus unbuttoned his shirt and then finally, frustrated, tore it so that the buttons popped off.

'And now my shirt doesn't fit,' Augus snarled, tossing it to the ground, looking for something that would be looser until he could get more tailored shirts. He owned hardly anything that fit the bill, and finally found a looser, waterwicking dark grey sweater, pulling it on and looking at his carefully tailored collection of clothing. Years – years – of finding the right fabrics, making sure they fit him well, making alterations as necessary. 'None of them will fit.'

'Augus, Jesus, did you go to see the Raven Prince already? You were supposed to give me a heads up, hey. Can you-'

'None if it will fit,' Augus said again, staring at his clothing. He looked at Ash and realised this wouldn't go away. It wouldn't fade. It was permanent and fixed and he'd not wanted it. 'I'm Court status.'

'I thought you didn't want to be Court status?' Ash said, confused, still waking up, stepping closer as he caught the expression on Augus' face.

'I didn't,' Augus said, offering a stiff smile. 'I don't.'

'He didn't ask you?'

'I could kill someone,' Augus snapped. 'But of course I can't, because I'm to bring Gwyn to the Unseelie Court in two days.'

'Gwyn won't go for that,' Ash said.

'It won't matter. The Raven Prince demands him bound if he won't come voluntarily. I suspect you can't help me, either. An invitation wasn't extended to you, though you might want to brace yourself for a possible status raise, at some point.'

'Hey,' Ash said quietly, pressing careful fingers to either side of Augus' jaw. 'Hey, he seriously did that? He made you Court status when you didn't want to be?'

Augus jerked his head out of Ash's hands and walked back down the corridor, and Ash followed closely.

'Augus, talk to me, don't do that thing you do.'

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