Accommodation 3

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This was so much easier than speaking. But still nerve-wracking to wait to hear what Ash would say. Ash didn't monitor his words the same way Augus did. Gwyn was beginning to realise how very precise Augus was when he spoke to Gwyn. Like every sentence needed to be careful.

'Yeah,' Ash said. 'In a lot of ways. I like affection, but it doesn't have to be affection. We can play board games together, or go lie down for a-'

Gwyn turned to him and bumped his lips against Ash's, closing his eyes, not wanting to think about any of this anymore. Not wanting to think about family or having a place with them. Ash kissed him back gently this time, no more biting, but his lips rubbing against Gwyn's mouth, back and forth until Ash took a deep breath and pulled back to look at Gwyn with something stern on his face. The expression didn't quite suit him, made him look more like Augus than usual.

'You don't need to appease me or make me happier,' Ash said, stroking Gwyn's arm. 'I can make myself less upset because you know, I'm a grown up. You don't have to do this.'

Gwyn didn't bother with the pen, dropping it on the table. He turned into Ash's mouth again and felt his own breathing hitch when Ash's tongue licked out and caressed his bottom lip like he was beckoning him closer. Gwyn leaned and Ash slid an arm around his lower back. After a few seconds, where Ash seemed to be giving him space to change his mind, Ash pulled him closer and took careful control of the kiss. Turning it from something sweet into something claiming and hungry.

Gwyn left his mouth open, hardly getting a chance to close it, and Ash's tongue made a home for itself alongside his, sometimes not even moving but just resting there, the sense of domination so clear that Gwyn's cock was starting to hurt against the inside of his pants.

He was pushed back against the table, Ash standing between his thighs and dropping a hand down quickly, pressing fingers into his flesh as though testing how hard he was. Gwyn hissed, turned his head away, ashamed. It never took long for him to be fully hard, and he got the sense from the both of them wasn't normally as fast for others.

'Oh, this is really nice,' Ash said, and Gwyn could hear the smile in his voice. 'Can I blow you?'

Gwyn turned back and stared at him, and Ash's smile turned into an impish grin.

'Can I?' he said.

'I- Really?' Gwyn said, forgetting that he didn't want to be talking.

'Mm,' Ash said, leaning closer and dragging his fingers down Gwyn's head until his neck tilted backwards, and he was gasping at the ceiling. 'Only if you want to.'

Gwyn made a sound that was half a breath of laughter and sound of agreement. Ash started to kneel between his legs which was quickly turning Gwyn's mind into white noise, and then Ash laughed.

'You're too fucking tall,' Ash said around his laughter. He pushed up, grabbed Gwyn's wrists and pulled him away from the table. 'Come on, puppy. You get to lie down for this.'

Gwyn felt like he'd been knocked on the head. He always felt like that when arousal started pulsing through his body. He wasn't used to it, and the sensations were too large for him to process properly.

Ash's large bed was unmade, clothes were tossed about, his sheets a deep brick red. Ash pushed him back onto the bed, a hand on Gwyn's chest and the other at his hip, easing him backwards, his thumb digging into his pelvis and not helping the pressure on Gwyn's cock at all.

'I have to get you back, you see,' Ash said, pulling off his shirt and throwing it onto one of the piles of clothing in this room. 'Though I can't deep throat like you, I can still make it good.'

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