Go Deeper 3

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'Good?' Augus said, checking in.

'Yes,' Gwyn gasped.

'You're nice and red,' Augus said, lips quirking up.

Gwyn made a pleading sound.

'Can I kiss him?' Ash asked roughly.

'Ask him,' Augus said, then frowned. 'But be careful. This doesn't culminate in sex.'

Ash looked confused but nodded all the same and met Gwyn's eyes. 'Can I kiss you?'

'Mm,' Gwyn groaned, and tilted his head down as far as he could with his arms tied above him. Ash rose on tiptoe and was so gentle that even Augus sighed. Ash wasn't trying to claim, but trying to respect what was happening, even if he didn't understand it.

Augus stepped forwards and dragged his nails down Gwyn's back, and Gwyn gasped and pushed hard against him, crying out. Then, Augus went back to rubbing his back firmly, not letting the redness get chased away by his healing ability. He took up handfuls of flesh, dug the heels of his palms in, lowered his head and smelled the rawness of it. No blood, because none had been spilled, but there was sweat and that pulse of life beneath the flesh that made Augus' mouth water.

'Tell me something, Ash,' Augus said, against Gwyn's skin. 'Is he hard?'

'Yeah,' Ash said, voice rough. 'Like, really.'

'Good, step back for this next part until you get a sense of what's happening. Please?'

'Yeah,' Ash said again, reaching up and touching his fingers carefully to Gwyn's lips, before giving him space.

Augus picked up the heavier flogger, felt its comforting weight in his hand, the way it pulled down at his wrist. He pressed his chest to Gwyn's back and then stood up on the balls of his feet, nuzzling into curls of hair that were already dampening with sweat. When Gwyn tilted his head back, tried to rub his head against Augus', he felt a rush of warmth in response.

'All right, Gwyn, you're doing so very well. These next blows will hurt. Do you understand?'

'Please, Augus,' Gwyn whispered.

'If you find you cannot bear it, tell me, yes?'

Gwyn nodded as Augus began dragging the tails of the flogger over his back. He couldn't afford to spend too much time lingering. Gwyn healed too fast. So he stepped back, held the ends of the flogger taut, and met Ash's eyes only once before he released the tails and they thudded across Gwyn's shoulders.

Gwyn jerked in the ropes, then moaned softly. He sagged once more, giving himself over to what was happening, and Augus bit his bottom lip and smelled arousal in the air around him and no fear from Gwyn.

He used a strong, firm rhythm, marking up Gwyn's back, buttocks and thighs further. This flogger was not playful, nor light. Its strokes were meaty and strong, loud thwaps that had Gwyn gasping for each breath before long, crying out often. The scent of arousal in the air spiralled upwards, and Augus smiled. His own cock was stiffening in his pants, but he ignored it in favour of Gwyn's pleasure winding tight from the pain Augus evoked.

The speed of the strokes increased, and every now and then Augus would hit Gwyn harder, put more of his elbow and shoulder into it. Gwyn's cries had been abandoned in favour of gasping hard, chasing breaths.

'He still hard?' Augus called, watching the way Ash stepped forwards, his eyes wide.

'Oh my god, yeah,' Ash said in something like awe.

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