This Gentle Love 2

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Augus turned back to see Gwyn move his shaking hand away. Augus pushed Gwyn down again, hearing the hisses of air coming out of Gwyn's nose, the wet slick sound of it, and then felt the moment that Gwyn hit his limit. Felt it in the jerk of Gwyn's shoulders and the wet choking noise and his own cock ached with the thought of holding Gwyn's head down like that on his own cock. But no, instead he dragged Gwyn upright, because he had to know if Gwyn liked it as much as he did.

Gwyn's mouth was reddened and swollen and wet. His pupils dilated. He breathed heavily, stared at Augus like he couldn't think. He didn't look scared, he looked debauched.

'Yes?' Augus said.

'Yes,' Ash said.

'I'm not talking to you,' Augus laughed.

'Don't care,' Ash said, chuckling.

Gwyn was still staring at Augus, his hair caught up in Augus' fingers. He stared at Augus like his life was being held in the balance.

'Again?' Augus said to him.

Gwyn nodded, scraping his top teeth over his bottom lip. And that- Well, Augus could only be expected to resist so much.

He dragged Gwyn towards him and thrust his tongue into Gwyn's mouth, groaned deeply when he realised he could taste Ash. Taste the faint salty-silty precome and a savoury musk and then Gwyn's carbon-coppery flavours beneath that. Gwyn kept his mouth open for the kiss, leaned as hard as he could – holding himself up with a hand on the bed.

When he encouraged Gwyn back between Ash's legs, Gwyn groaned before he'd even lowered himself again.

'Kiss the tip first,' Augus said, and the sound Ash made had a touch of hysteria to it. 'Oh come now,' Augus said to him. 'I thought you were an expert at sex. You make it seem like you've never done this before.'

'I haven't,' Ash ground out. 'Not with my fucking brother and roommate. It's diff- Oh...kay that's nice.'

Gwyn was kissing and licking the tip of Ash's cock, then opening his mouth and trying to lower himself, even though Augus' grip in his hair was too firm to allow it. Augus held him up and away for a few more seconds, and then pushed Gwyn's head down, keeping up the pressure when Ash's cock hit the back of Gwyn's throat. Feeling it again in that tension. He could smell arousal thick in the air now; from all of them.

'Can you take more?' Augus asked Gwyn.

A short, choked off sound and Augus drew him back and let him take a breath, and then pushed his head down again.

'Try,' Augus said. 'Swallow, Gwyn.'

Ash made a long, strangled noise and clutched at Augus' other arm, fingers digging in. But Augus focused on Gwyn, felt the moment when he could take more, when his throat opened and his head sunk deeper. Felt something like victory at the sound Ash made, and pushed Gwyn's head down until his nose was buried in Ash's pubic hair and his hands were swimming for something to clutch on the bed, finally settling on Augus' knee and Ash's thigh.

'Keep swallowing,' Augus said. 'That's it. That's good, Gwyn. How's that for you, Ash?'

'You're...a controlling...son of a bitch,' Ash gasped. 'I love you. Don't stop. Oh, Gwyn, that's fucking perfect.'

Augus kept his hand on Gwyn's head and leaned towards Ash's mouth, kissing his open lips, exhaling into his gasps for air. Ash's hand tangled in Augus' mane, his hips rolled into Gwyn's mouth.

Augus wanted to lose himself in it, but he couldn't afford to. He had to monitor Gwyn's breathing – or lack thereof – and after a few more seconds, he pulled Gwyn off Ash's cock again. He stopped kissing Ash and looked down, restraining himself from crawling down the bed and tearing into that expression on Gwyn's face until he was exhausted and had spilled so much come there was nothing left.

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