Chapter 9) IDK It Up!...

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(Rocky pov)
Man, much as I love Cece and I do anything for her, she can be a real headache some-. Well most of the time, she is. But today, sh—

"Hey, Rocky!! I'm back, and guess what?"


"I got us jobs!"

"Jo-, but we already have Shake It Up Chicago!"

"What, no? I didn't mean, job-job. I meant, a summer job!"

"Well, that's great Cece, except I can't."

"What, why?? It's not like you're doing anything important now, since the modeling business has let you have 2 months off."

"Besides, this new summer job is...For the two of us!"

"What's the job?"

"Uh..we are going lifeguard the kiddie pool!"

"Uh...Cece, much as that pretty bad idea sounds weirdly interesting, I have a meeting to go to later on."

"Okay fine, but could we go to the Crusty for some food, before you go?"

"But, ce--"


"Okay, fine."

(Cece pov)
Man, where the heck is Rocky, she is supposed to be he—

"Ugh...Rocky forgot her phone!"

Just as I was going to find Rocky to hand her phone, it rang again, and rather than keeps letting it ring my ear off, I answered it.


"Yes, my name's Romeo Miller

"Can you excuse me for a second?"

"Thank you." I replied as I mute the phone and started screaming, 'Omg'. After I had my mini freakout, I unmuted the phone.

"Yes, this is Raquel Blue." I said, answering the phone.

(Still Rocky's pov)


"Is there a Raquel Oprah Halle-Katrina Blue here?"

"I'm here!"

"I'm sorry Actually, it's just Raquel Blue, well...really, I prefer Rocky. Rocky Blue.

"Oh!..okay,...Rocky Blue, we have already heard from you that you won't be able to do the shoot."

"Whaa--, that is true, but I actually let my agent know I need it to fit my schedule, so it won't interfere with my school or my dayjob."

"Really, because someone on the phone sai--"

"WAIT, W-w-wait, no, no, n--n--no, you must b--, did you say someone said my phone?"


Now, who would do th--Cece!!...

KC Shakes It Up with Something to Dance for Undercover while Kickin' ItWhere stories live. Discover now