Chapter 13) Don't You Get All Tough With Me, I'm Sayin P1

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(Still Cyrus pov)
"Are you sure, because you see-" I asked again as I walked up to him to see that he was holding a picture. What is he holding?

 What is he holding?

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Know what, maybe..I should just leave him least for now!

"Aww...uh, dad, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, son. Don't worry about your old man too much, I'm probably just tired, and in need for a nap." He shrugs, getting off the couch and head to go upstairs.

"Oh..okay then. Uh, dad! Can I ask you something?"

"Depends, but sure, what's up?"

"What was that you were holding?"

"..Um, it was nothing, Cyrus." He shrugged.

"Dad, that can't be nothing, you were literally tearing up while holding that paper." I replied, not believing what he said.

"Cyrus, I told you it was nothing. So ca-" He answered.

"No, I do not want to wait til tomorrow! Dad, can't we at least we talk about it when you're not feeling tired? I mean, what I just sa-." I interrupted.

"Cyrus, I said, "not now", I don't feel like discussing this with you right now."

"But dad, something's seriously bothering you. And-."

"Cyrus, and I said, la-" he said, raising his voice as he walked down the steps, facing me.

"Dad, that's what you said last time and the day before that and before th-" I said as I felt a hand across my face.

"Cyrus, I am your father!" He yelled as I held my cheek, feeling the slap on my face he gave me.

"I know that, dad! And I know the Bible says to obey your parents and all that, bu-" I reasoned.

"But nothing, you must obey me because I deserve to be respected." He interrupted.

"Okay yeah, but, the Bible also said something about parents should listen to what the kids have to say though. So, will you just listen, dad? Look, what I saw earlier wasn't just you sitting there on that couch, looking through at our mails, you were clearly in distress like Joseph when he got thrown in that well by his older brothers." I rudely said, not caring if I just talked back or if I questioned him.

"Damnit CYRUS!!! I SAID DROP IT." He yelled, cursing as he slammed his hands hard on the wooded stairs. When he did that, the loud sound made me flinched.

"Now you look, I am aware about that second part and I don't care, okay? I was warning you to just drop it, but you kept pushing it. I will not have any disobedience in my house, and if I have to keep you in line to do it." He angrily said, clearly pissed off as he took off his belt.

Oh boy

"Dad, are you being serious? Y-You wouldn't do it, that's child abuse." I reasoned.

"You're right about that, Cyrus, but I'm also your father. And, I am allowed to discipline my own child." He said, in a "matter-of-fact" way.

Nope, he is beyond just pissed off, he has gone completely off the rails and on to the dirt road.

"But, dad-Awk!!" I plead, but got interrupted by the sound of the metal part of the his belt hitting my arm hard. Man, that really hurt

"I know, but does it look like I give a damn, Cyrus? Now since you are acting like you're grown cause you're 17, how about you take it like a man!?" He adds, while beating the bejeezus out of me. He kept whooping me even when I started to run away to avoid getting beat. The fact that I tried to do that didn't exactly worked for the most part.

"I know you are, but son, that's not your responsibility to worry about me. I may have raised you to speak your mind, but I do not and I certainly will not tolerate any back talks from you..ever! As long as you're living under my roof, you will obey me and your mother, Got it?" Dad orders as I just nodded.

"Don't just nod your head 'yes', Cyrus. Answer me with words and lose the attitude."

"Alright..I'm sorry dad, for talking back and for not respecting your wishes. I promise to obey you and mom, and to be obedient and to read the Bible at least almost every whole day."

"Good, I forgive you and I'm sorry for having to do that, but I only did it-"

"I know, dad. I know." I replied, getting up to the upstairs to go to bed.

"Good. Oh and Cyrus, if you really want to be obedient, you should never interrupted when your parents or any adults are speaking to you." Dad adds.

"Right, I'll try to work on that." I replied, already walking up the stairs to my room.

"I know you will. Oh, and one last thing.."

"Yeah, dad." I answered, facing him.

"You'll be do the reading with me next Sunday."

Ahh man! This is definitely punishment.

*2 days later*

It's been 2 days since Dad and I talked since that day, and honestly, I was out of line.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"I know and I'm sorry for ignoring you, especially about the second part from the Bible. I will admit as a pastor, you were right. Um..son, may I please come in?"


"Thank you." He says, coming in. Without saying anything else, I noticed he was looking over my head and I just nod, letting him sit there next to me. "Look, Cyrus, I want to apologize again for the other day. Son, I really do appreciate you being concerned about me, but that's not your responsibility to worry, okay? It's my job to do that since I was the one who helped brought you into this world.." He adds, trying to reason with me.

"I know." I replied, understanding what he is saying.

"Good, because I am the parent, not you. Again, I deeply appreciate your concerns, and I will admit you do have rights to speak your mind on whatever or whoever concerns you. But like I said, careful what you say to me."

*Road trip*

While we were going on a road trip to I guess do some bonding, I decide to put on some music to ease the awkward silence in the air.

"Uh..what song this is?"

"Uh, not sure...But, I'm just listening to some gospel, Dad, in case you wanted to know." I assured, putting the volume up.

"..uh, Dad, are you sure you're okay?"


"Uh, yeah, what is it?"

"Um, yo..- never mind."

*Old church*

"..Cyrus, i haven't exactly been honest with you lately, um..Something has been on my mind since that mail came."

"Ohh..does it have to do with work or anything like that?"

"No, actually. Listen Cyrus, I have to tell you something, and it's really important."

"Okay. I'm all hears, dad. What's up?"

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