Chapter 12) Shake It Up! Let It Shine

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(Still Rocky pov)
Noticing what I did, I couldn't help but cringe at my clumsiness.

"Oh shoot! Oh my bad, so sorry I didn't see you! It's my fault." I immediately apologized, feeling bad for making someone drop their CD.

"Nah. It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention either." He assured.

"Ohh!! I guess we both got to start looking." I replied, giving him a half smile just to lighten up the awkwardly embarrassing moment.

"Uh yeah!..hey, I think I've seen you around before, with the wings?" He said, commenting on my magazine cover I was on a year ago.

"Oh, are you referring to that magazine cover?"

"Angel Who Embraces." We said at the same time. Oh my goodness!

"Yeah, that's the one! Whoever that angel is looks pretty cute."

Wow! that's...Aww!..he thinks I'm cute!!

"Ohh!..ah, that's great. Wow, that angel on the cover would be me. Hi, I'm Rocky, you must be.."

"Trent Kris. You know, T-Fame, the guy can make a move by having some moves."

Wow, he's really cute and not to mention, a flirt!

"Oh, you're Raquel Blue, the really pretty brunette?" He says, interrupting my thoughts as I just stared at him, smiling. Not really saying anything, I cannot help but feel dumbfounded by the fact that he probably caught me looking.

"Hey!..Could I maybe get your number?" He asked, thankfully breaking the silence.

"Oh was that you asking, Mr 'whatever it is, I got it.' Because as charming as I know you think you are, you have to ask nicely."

"Sure, you're right about that."


"It's Rocky."

"Okay. For the record, Rocky is pretty cool, but Raquel is a really beautiful name though. Anyway, would you mind if I give you my card, cause I would love it if you'd be apart of my video. Besides, you could be an 'Angel Who Embrace' Let It Shine."

"Ohh, then in that case, here's my email. My people will probably keep in touch with yours."

"Alright!! Cool, thanks Angelface. Hopefully that 'probably' becomes a 'likely'. Uh, see ya Raquel, have a nice day!"

"Thanks, T-Fame, stay smooth!" I joked as he just gave me a weird look, but went on smiling at me and walked away.

(Cyrus pov)
Man, I so cannot wait for this event happening over at my job. Hopefully, dad lets me go.

*At home*

"Uh...hey, dad. How are you this morning?" I replied, getting in by the back door near my bedroom to set down my stuff.

Speed running to the living room, I noticed dad was sitting alone quiet on the couch, not reading the newspaper, not watching tv, not nothing what he usually does.

Hm..maybe he is preparing for next Sunday? Or simply just reading a book or something?

"Oh, I'm doing well, thank you. How about yourself?" He said, still not looking at me.

"Oh, I'm doing pretty good, just came from working two shifts. And, we got mail today by the way." I told him, handing out the mails.

"Wha--What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked as I then noticed his facial expression went from being a quiet thinker to a half-smiling, happy-sad look as he just glanced at the mail.

"...Huh?? Oh yeah, I'm fine." He answered, clearly not really noticing how mentally distant he is. Maybe today's not the day to ask him, I  mean, he is clearly not in a talking-for-long mood. I think I'll just leave him least for now!

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