Chapter 33

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Loki pushed his way through crowds of terrified people, looking for anyone on his team. It was difficult to squeeze his way through but he was determined to find someone he recognized.

After they stopped the attacks, Stark brought Loki back to base and then abandoned him to regroup with his team on his own. After a little while Loki felt his spirits lift very slightly when he saw a face he knew.

"Des!" He said a bit excitedly when he saw Desmond helping some people out. He seemed to be giving them directions and pointing them where to go.

As soon as he heard Loki he looked up and faced him. Suddenly he didn't look so empathetic. In fact he looked pretty pissed off.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Des yelled as he stomped over to Loki. "I ought to box your ears, for what you did. What we're you thinking running into a burning building?"

Loki wasn't really interested in receiving a lecture right now.

"Des I appreciate your concern and you're welcome to berate me later, but right now I need to know if Ellie got back here safely" Loki asked. Des looked a like he was thinking about it so Loki clarified.

"The little girl, and her parents. I pulled them from my building. Did they make it back?"
Des got a look of realization.

"The- yeah. Yeah they made it back. They're fine"

Loki sighed in relief and nodded a bit.
"Good. Where are they?" He asked.

"Well right now they're supposed to be in the relocation center" Des told him.

Loki was very confused.


Des waved off his question like he could come back to it later.

"Before anything you need to go to the infirmary, you look like a mess"

Loki got annoyed.

"Scrapes and bruises. Where is this relocation center?"

Des's focus was already starting to shift. He had other people to help and he couldn't sit here chatting it up with Loki.

"It's where I'm going to send you right after you go to the infirmary. Now go" he pushed Loki in a general direction and even though Loki tried to get his attention again, he took a few steps in the direction Des had pushed him.

"Loki, you're here. You okay?" He turned his head away from Des and toward Skye who had appeared at his side. She made a face when she saw his. "Obviously not, I'll get you to Jemma" she ducked under his arm and held him up a little bit as she took him to the infirmary.

"I'm fine, a chitauri-" he didn't get to finish explaining why his limp was back.

"Put him down over there" Loki looked up from Skye and saw Jemma directing traffic.

"Jemma" Loki was excited to talk to her and tell he the didn't need help, but she beat him to it.

"He doesn't look too bad, I'll get to him in a minute to make sure he's not broken and then we can send him to relocation"

Skye nodded and took Loki to a waiting area with some other people who weren't critically injured.

"What's 'relocation'?" Loki asked Skye. She let him sit and immediately started walking away.
"People who need a new place to live" she said, then disappeared back into the crowd.

"But I don't-" Loki realized trying to talk to her was useless, she was gone, too busy to stay here to explain their process to him.

For once, Loki cooperated. He sat there and didn't kick up a fuss and just waited for Jemma. So much was happening and as chaotic as it all was there did seem to be some kind of system and Loki was willing to sit back and let the system work.

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