Chapter 35

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It was the day after loki had been given a SHIELD badge and said he planned to stay for the foreseeable future. Fitz ran into the rec room looking mischievously pleased with himself, but also with a sense of fear that put everyone else in the room on edge as soon they saw him.

"What's going on?" Jemma asked.

Skye put down her snack and sat up straighter, Mack stood up like he was ready for trouble to ensue, and May appeared completely unbothered by the sudden change of energy in the room.
Before Fitz could say anything they all got their answer.


Everyone turned toward Fitz when they heard Loki bellowing for him from down the hall.
"what did you do?" Mack asked with an exasperated sigh.

Fitz shrugged and opened his mouth but before he could get a word out, Loki stormed into the room looking thoroughly enraged and was -for some reason- soaking wet.

"Come 'ere you little weasel" Loki stalked toward Fitz looking like he was ready to commit a violent crime against him.

Everyone shuffled to their feet and Mack quickly took a step to put himself between Loki and Fitz.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down E.T., just relax. Now What happened?" Mack looked between Loki and Fitz while keeping them separated.

Loki huffed and glared past Mack to Fitz.

"What happened is that little rat has gone to far. I understand he doesn't like me very much, but he's crossed a line!" Loki yelled, still pretty angry. Though he wasn't forcing Mack out of his way.

"Out with it Turbo, what did you do?" Mack asked Fitz, who couldn't stop himself from grinning a bit.

"I put a bucket of water on his door" Fitz admitted after a moment or two.

Mack sighed in frustration. 

"Seriously? Why?" He asked, wishing Fitz would just get off Lokis back and stop causing trouble.
Fitz shrugged a bit.

"I wanted to see if the snowman would melt"

Loki face filled with rage again and he tried to lunge at Fitz, a fist raised like he was ready to take a swing at him, but mack held him back.

"Calm down!" Mack yelled, shoving Loki back a few feet to keep him away from Fitz. "You can't be this upset over a little water"

Loki glared at Mack.

"I'm not mad about water, I can handle being wet, I-" he interrupted himself, realizing he'd been standing there soaking wet when he really didn't need to be. He'd been so upset he was  only focused on getting his hands on Fitz. A wave of green shimmered over Loki and once it had washed over him he was completely dry. He didn't look any less pissed off though.

"It's not about being wet. I don't have a problem getting wet, i have a problem with Fitz breaking into my room. That's my personal space, it's mine, and I like to keep my space private. he had no business breaking in and invading my space to set up some childish prank!" Loki yelled.

Mack held out a hand to try and get Loki to calm down.

"Alright, alright, just-"

Loki cut off Mack mid sentence.

"Don't tell me to calm down" he snapped, then pointed a finger at Fitz and stared him down "this isn't over"

He then turned around and stormed out.

"Hey- where are you going?" Mack called as Loki stormed out and stomped down the hall.

"To get some air!" Loki shouted back, they all then heard a door slam quite loudly and knew Loki wasn't coming back to talk this out.

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