Chapter 2.

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It was atleast an hour after I stopped by Zven's, I was with Artyom, and we both walked past a young-looking Gopnik who was leaning on the wall next to the door I could hear his girlfriend or wife shouting at him from the inside of their apartment room "Hello Y/N" he greeted, I just gave him a thumbs up "having problems aye?" Tsking he shook his head "You've no idea, How do you two even tolerate each other? I can't even handle Svetlana" I just chuckle "Must be the once a month illness, just sit through the argument and agree to her and it'll work, anyway see you later" He let out a short laugh "Alright, see you two in the market later" I pulled Artyom along as we continued to walk through the slightly cramped halls, hearing the chitter chatter from the citizens "Ah, there you both are" Alex called out from near the gate that kept people from going into the sickbay, "Y/N got caught up with Ivan again" Artyom laughed as I elbowed his side while smirking "Shut up, anyway Alex should we" I gestured at the door, Alex nodded and gave it three knocks before stepping back, the slot on the door opened up and I could see the medic peeking through, "I told you no visitors... Oh it's you Alex, and you've brought both of the troublemakers, okay I'm unlocking the door" the slot closed and only for a minute or so I could hear the sound of locks being toyed with before the door was pulled open, "Come in come in" the medic beckoned us inside, closing the door he started past the doorway, we both walked behind Alex and into the med bay, I could hear the groaning and whimpering of the guards who were strewn on beds some laying on the floor on blankets, I looked around before halting, a hand flew up to my head, gripping my forehead I let out a hiss in pain, squeezing my eyes closed very tightly "they are the ones, they will reunite us" a voice echoed in my mind. "Y/N? Y/N! What's a wrong kid" I felt a rough hand shake my shoulder, and both of my eyes shot open, looking at Alex I just shrugged "Migraine I guess" I shrugged as the headache dissolved into a minor pain in between my eyes "Well come on we're almost there"


Three loud bangs were heard on the airlock doors causing the guards to jump "What was that?" The first one asked looking at his partner in a panicked tone "mutants!" The second one started very loudly "Mutants don't knock jackass" I answered as I was standing in front of the doors "Open up already!" A muffled voice shouted from the opposite side, stepping back I ended up accidentally bumping Artyom who fell on his back He yelped out having not been paying any attention, I watched the guards pry open the airlock doors, on the other side, stood Hunter who lifted his ranger helmet, kicking a large bag in with his foot before stepping in himself, "One more minute and I would have had to fight through more watchmen" he smiled at us "Hunter good to see you" Alex smiled as the two shook hands, Walking up beside with Artyom I gave him a peace sign "Hey Hunter" the same male gave me a peace sign of his own before crouching down to unzip his large bag "You just reminded me, here, saw this in an old antique shop, luckily it was inside a locked safe" he held up what looked to be a thick leather bound book with different colored pieces of leather as its covering, taking the book I looked it over in my hands, there was a title but it was in old Latin, tracing my fingers I read the words on the covering "Umbrarum Liber" the ribbon marker attached to the book had a strange charm, looked like a small eye glass, Hunter was busy arguing with Alex and Artyom was looking at the stack of postcards Hunter had gifted him, holding the eyeglass up I decided to look through it, looking with my left eye I couldn't see anything but a tinted green color, holding the book with my other hand I surveyed the room, stopping at the entrance I saw a tall thin and lanky shadow figure, noticing that I had seen it, it quickly outstretched its arms in my direction but right as I was about to say something I felt a sharp pain shoot through my left eye "OW!" I shrieked out dropping the book "Y/N?" "Hey what's the wrong kid?" Hunter and Alex both asked as I was aggressively rubbing my left eye "Nothing! Nothing! Got dust in my eye" I chuckled while wiping the tears away with the back of my hand, I looked back at them with my left eye slightly squinted, "Okay, got worried there for a bit you dropped your gift" Alex pointed out at the book who's pages were opened face down on the metro floor "Ah sorry" I crouched down picking the book up and dusting it off, "WATCHMEN!" A guard cried out as the sound of howls and scratching were heard "POSITIONS EVERYONE!" Hunter called out pulling his Kalash, Alex opened up the weapon container near the wall and pulled a rifle from it "Artyom here, theres only one so Y/N you better stay behind us" He tossed the gun to Artyom who caught it, and they formed a circle to keep watch of the vents, all was quiet "TO THE LEFT!" I shouted as watchmen broke through the vent shaft, Aiming their rifles they managed to gun down the first few "RIGHT!" I shouted, and again, they got through the second wave of watchmen, "FRONT CENTER!" Another wave hit, Artyom hadn't been paying attention and was about to be torn to pieces "ARTYOM BEHIND YOU!" I shouted, the watchmen lunged for him when I suddenly threw both arms out as if I was about to catch it, both palms were near its head when it suddenly threw itself back against the wall "Y/N!" Alex shouted as they all watched, Hunter was about to shoot it when It suddenly began to have what looked to be a stroke, the watchmen rolled on the ground screeching very loudly before slamming its skull against the ground until it was nothing but a bloodied and battered mess with brain fluid leaking from its mouth, it slammed its skull harder one last time before suddenly dying from damage "Jesus fucking christ... That was all I mumbled, I stepped backward but lost balance and fell onto the cold metro floor "Y/N!"  Hunter shouted as I stared at the ceiling with a mortified expression... Soon I passed out


I shot up from whatever I was laying on, coughing and hacking as I hit my chest, gasping for air, two hands flew up to my shoulders griping them "Kid! Kid! Calm down you're fine! Easy easy!" the medic who had greeted us at the door now stood beside me in the medbay "W-what? What happened?" I croaked coughing into my elbow, my throat felt dry and ached "You did something to that watchmen, it started having some sort of seizure" Alex explained as he had gotten up from his seat next to my father, the two men stood at each side of the medic "I heard about what happened, Alex told me when he got Artyom back to his room... That was eight hours ago" papa spoke looking a bit worried, his hand holding the book hunter gave me, it looked small in his bear sized hands than it did mine "You had a stroke of some sort before passing out, it looked as if you were about to die from a seizure" rubbing my face with both hands I stood up off the bed almost stumbling if it wasn't for Alex catching me by the arm "Oh shit!" I shouted almost tumbling to the floor "Language!" all three of them shouted



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