Chapter 3.

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"Ты наконец исполнил свое желание, не так ли, медвежонок?" Papa spoke with a low voice so as to not wake up my sisters who were asleep across the hall from my room, walking into my room, he had his hands behind his back watching as I packed stuff into my bag "Who knows, I'm just going with a caravan to riga" Papa only chuckled "Не лги мне (имя), I know where you're headed too, Hunter told me and I know Artyom would not tell Alex" Sighing I looked at my father with a small smile "I'm sorry" he smiled slightly with soft eyes, he approached me until he stopped infront of me, despite being 6'0 he still towered over me like a golem, "Я сохранил это на твой день рождения, но я чувствую, что это должен быть ранний подарок." he pulled out what looked to be a watch with some attachments, a few charms were hanging off the watch "Your sisters insisted on putting a few more details to it" he smiled as I took it from him "Спасибо папа" we stood in silence until I hugged him, wrapping both my arms around his bulky form as I laid my head on his chest feeling his arms wrap me up in a bear hug "Будь осторожен, медвежонок" he muttered into my ear as I simply nodded
It was the next morning after the incident, currently, Artyom and I were on our way to Riga with a few others, now setting off toward Riga I sat on the railing with Artyom's head resting against my thigh as I had my leg up on the other part of the railing, flicking my lighter a few times I had started to drown out the merchant's banter until we had to stop

"Sorry but this part of the metro is closed off" the guardsmen near the barricades informed the main merchant who cursed under his breath, "Guess we'll have no choice but to head through the haunted tunnel" he sighed, and the other merchant who had been Manning the cart began to push it back till we hit the path to this so-called "Haunted station" looking at the leader I gave him a raised eyebrow "why do they say it's haunted?" He gave a tsk "never heard about it? They say you can hear and see the dead, not to mention it's rumored that anomalies pass by, orbs of light you get the deal" he waved it off as we continued forwards "how long does it take using this rout?" I asked, scratching his chin he hummed "about an hour if we're lucky to not run into anything or anyone" I placed my lighter away and held onto the railing to not fall over, I was steadily watching ahead as the merchants began to joke around and laugh at one who was afraid of the tunnel I was blocking them out when a shrill scream was heard from down the tunnel "What the fuck was that?" The one manning the railcar handle asked, I didn't say anything as I got in between them, lightly kicking one to move a bit more "Hey!" I ignored them and placed a hand above my eyes to try and get a closer look, squinting at the tunnel behind us "What is it? Do you see anything Chuvak? The main merchant asked as I was trying to get a clearer look, holding a finger up I looked past my shoulder "if my memory serves me right and it usually does, you all should ready your weapons because in these abandoned routs there are no patrols, only Nosalies, but if we're lucky we can instead get watchmen, nosalies are the more quote-unquote smart mutants who drag their victims off moving vehicles such as these" I had gone back to looking down the tunnel, "pffft, you're only trying to scare us" the second one who I had kicked blew me off with a laugh, I only pointed with a finger and as if on queue another shriek was heard this time closer "need I explain in further detail?" I asked looking back at the merchant whose face had gone white "again ready yourself" I stood up, the merchants and Artyom brought out their weapons as I stood in place hand over my eyes watching, soon without wasting a moment a nosalies began to chase the railcar "HERE THEY COME!" I shouted, the merchants in the back began to shoot more began to appear, Artyom's gun had run out of ammo "Artyom! Here take my shotgun!" The leader shouted handing it over, I saw a nosalies about to take the guy with him "DUCK!" I shouted as I threw a hand out grabbing the merchant's head I shoved it to the ground making him get low, pushing myself forwards at the same time, I met the Nosalies with a hard palm to the face causing it to fly forwards and onto the tracks watching as it got run over "You okay?" I helped the man sit up "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks I... You just saved my life" he wheezed out of breath I patted him on the shoulder "just remember to keep your head low else you want to get it clawed off, keep your eyes open" I looked back at the rest, they both looked tired as they sat back, I was still standing when Boris and Ivan began to pass out "hey, Hey! Boris? Ivan come on this isn't a great time to be sleeping" Dimitri the main merchant called out nervously "must shock or fear they'll wake in a bit" I stated looking one of them over, a nosalies had jumped aboard and was about to take one of the unconscious merchants "BORIS NO!" Dimitri shouted, Artyom was about to shoot at it but I got to the nosalies first, I cracked it across its face with another open palm strike before taking out a meat cleaver from Boris's bag, and with both arms raised I dug it into the Nosalies skull till the handle was the main thing sticking out, it screamed of course as I yanked the meat cleaver out watching as the mutant fell back onto the tracks, "everyone okay?" I asked looking around, they had all fallen unconscious, "Artyom!" I shouted shaking the male with one hand the other still gripping the meat cleaver, they didn't stir or move, "ah shit" I muttered, moving in between Dimitri and Artyom I sat there with the cleaver in my hand, wiping the blade on my pant leg and tracing the edge with a finger I sat there in complete silence except for the sound of the railcar steadily speeding down the tracks...


"And then Y/N struck the mutant right in the face!" The main merchant cheered retelling the story from before, the other two laughed along with their leader "not just one mutant but two!" The second held up two fingers as he jumped into the conversation "how come you weren't afraid of dying?" I only shrugged as I was seated next to Artyom "Dunno, guess I felt my fear leave as soon as I saw the mutants, I don't fear death I just fear not being able to save the people who I see as friends" Dimitri held up his glass "To Y/N and his ass-kicking abilities!" He cheered the other two held up their glasses meanwhile I just chuckled watching them drink "is it true your immune to that shit?" Boris asked, I just shrugged again "To be honest I don't know, Artyom is as well but not fully immune like I am" Ivan held his glass up again "To your health Artyom" again they drank and laughed, and the people around listening to our banter seemed to cheer as well, holding my full glass I casually dumped it into Artyom's glass while the others weren't looking as I had a smirk on my face as he stuck his tongue out at me having to drink my share

We both followed behind the child as he showed us to a small backwater bar in Riga, he had on an oversized coat and stopped in front of the doorway "Here we are, have a good day" he began to walk back to where we had first met him, I stopped him of course, handing him a bullet "Here, have a good day kiddo" his face lit up as he held the second bullet in his small hand, taking Artyom's arm we both walked in seeing nothing but shady men and women, in the middle table was seated a shady looking man

We both followed behind the child as he showed us to a small backwater bar in Riga, he had on an oversized coat and stopped in front of the doorway "Here we are, have a good day" he began to walk back to where we had first met him, I stopped him o...

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(idfk why but he looks like he's about to deck you in the face for stealing his pencil in class)

Pouring himself a drink from the bottle he gave us a smirk "You two Y/N and Artyom?" I crossed my arms with a raised eyebrow "and your bourbon?" I asked back to which he just chuckled "Yep, good old uncle bourbon, listen I heard you both are immune to that shit, the spirits, and all that voodoo is that right?" he asked leaning forwards "Y/N is more immune, but yes we're immune, why do you want to know?" Artyom signed, and bourbon placed a few clips on the table "I'll get you both to the next station over to polis if you're both useful enough, I just need to get out of here, we won't be using the front entrance more of an abandoned station, the locals say it's haunted" he grinned, Artyom and I simply looked at each other, I looked back "We're game"

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