Chapter 17.

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The sound of breaking bone hitting concrete filled your ears yet you felt no pain, opening your eyes you realized that you had fallen onto the corpses of a few watchmen "Y/NNNNNN!" Miller hollered running towards you with Artyom, and Ulman, slowly getting up you adjusted your helmet "I'M FINE! let's JUST GO!" you shouted jumping off the pile and trudging past the three, the howling winds of Moscow trying to push you, and the rest back down into the Metro like some kind of warning that whatever was on top of the tower wanted to stop you...

Braving the winds of Russia Artyom, miller, and I were slowly getting through the thick blizzard "WATCHMEN!" miller called out, the burly beasts were no match to us, I loaded more shells into my shambler as Artyom reloaded his rifle, "OVER THERE!" I shouted pointing over to the crumbling ruins of a house, trudging through the violent snow we made it in, the remaining walls of the home protecting us similar to a thin blanket trying to protect someone from the cold

"Artyom look in the locker over there" I instructed my companion, silently nodding he searched the locker only finding a few clips, some shells, and two filters, "Alright let's keep moving! The tower should only be a few meters from here!" Miller spoke as we continued onward, putting my hands in front of my face I tried to see through the thick blankets of snow, my body shivering from the violent cold, shaking my head we braved on...

"Alright! Over here you two!" Miller called you both over as he stood atop an elevator, walking over you both got on either side, putting your hands on the metal cord system on the elevator "Alright! one! Two! THREE!" he shouted as you three started pulling in unison "COME ON SUKA! COME OOOOOOOOON SUKAAAAAAAAAAA- YES!" he was cut off as the cord unlatched sending you three flying upwards at a violent speed, steadying yourself you were soon flung out of the elevator, you catching yourself onto a rebar wire keeping yourself from falling off, "Y/N! GRAB MY HAND!" miller shouted as he crouched lowly extending himself and his arm out to you, tightly gripping the wire that stuck out the side you pushed yourself towards him gripping his arm tightly as he pulled you back onto the safety of the crumbling tower "One more second and you'd be dead blin!" he said as Artyom popped up from the pathway onto the floor you and Miller had been standing on "Artyom! I thought you were dead blyat!" miller stated, soon you three continued climbing up the tower, reaching a doorway Miller was about to open the door when a Demon crashed through the wall screeching loudly, slamming Miller into the wall

"OY PIZDEC!" you shouted as you pulled your Shambler off your back "SHOOT IT! SHOOT ARTYYOM!" miller shouted, everything seemed in slow motion as I squeezed the trigger, shooting all six rounds into the Demon's head, Artyom popped an entire clip into it as well, we watched it drop dead before sliding off the side, you ran over to Miller

"HOLY FUCK ARE YOU OKAY!?" you shou kneeling next to the Colonel "I-I'm alright! Blyat... If it wasn't for you both I would have been dead," he said as you helped him adjust his sitting position, breathing heavily he looked up at the two of you "Look I'm not sure if I can make it up to the top in this shape, I need you both too- You cut him off by turning to Artyom "You look after Miller I'll get the transmitter onto the tower" before Artyom could protest you had already wall climbed up onto the second floor...

Gripping onto the edge of the crumbling floor you slowly climbed across it making sure to keep your hands in a firm iron grip, finding a steady part you hauled yourself onto the floor, standing up you looked around not seeing another way up, a door caught your attention

It looked locked but by turning the handle you managed to open it but not before having to give it a hard shove, you instantly regretted that decision as you lost your footing slamming down onto a catwalk, taking a sharp breath you slowly looked around, getting up as slow as possible you sighed feeling your face pour in a cold sweat, looking down you saw nothing to keep you from falling to your death

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