Chapter 11.

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Fun fact I had to do the outpost area 20 times because I kept being killed by the demon lmao


Walking through the tunnel into the frozen bones of Moscow once again, this time it was through a Nazi outpost, "Ah fuck... You hissed hiding behind the mound of ice and snow, laying low to not attract the unwanted attention of the guards, it looked like the three of you were in the old metro of Moscow, black station shouldn't be too far from here...

"Kind of wish Zven would just appear out of nowhere and help us... You hissed under your gas mask, you hadn't changed the filter in a while, why would you when you could breathe perfectly even without the mask on, "If only" Pavel chuckled, the three of you sat there for a while, you finally sighed pulling the modified Kalash you had changed into a sniper "Fuck it"

"Guns blazing?" Artyom signed you shook your head "More like, pop goes the weasel, follow me" you said as you snuck into a small tin-roofed shack near the tunnel toward hole station, "So now what do we do?" Pavel asked as you looked through the scope at the Nazis "Easy... Easy... You muttered adjusting the zoom... Your crosshairs landed on the light "Boom... Blasting the light off you wanted the Nazis to freak out

"HE'S HEEEEERE!" the first shouted, the ones atop began pulling the alarm bell, chuckling you three sat there, you were busy sniping the Nazis, Pavel looked over at Artyom "Y/N has good aim" looking at Pavel he looked at Y/N then back at Pavel "Y/N had always dreamed of being a ranger actually" he signed

"Really?" Pavel said interested, Artyom nodded "Yeah, every time we tried leaving Exhibition on our own he would bring his father's sniper with him, an old Anti-Material Rifle from before the bombs fell, His papa showed him how to shoot at the age of four" Artyom signed, right as Y/N reloaded

"I got them all" he said with a smug grin under his gas mask, "Wow...


Slowly walking on the metal beams above the Nazi encampment you stayed behind watching the two make it safely to the other side, a Bullet ricochetted off the steel beam Pavel was moving across, stopping he looked around "Sniper!" he shouted as he reached the platform Artyom was on, slipping slightly Pavel began tipping backward "Whoa! No! Nonononono! AAAAAAAA!- he fell back off the beam screaming until Artyom caught him by the wrist, Pavel immediately clamped his other hand against Artyoms gripping tightly

"I'LL TAKE CARE OF THE SNIPER!" You shouted turning your scope onto the Nazi atop the building, more bullets bounced off the wall you hid behind, Artyom was pulling Pavel up, both turning their attention on the Nazis near the railing

"Raz dva tri! DA! PONYAL TEBYA!!" you shouted as you watched the Nazi's head explode, "Y/N come on!" Pavel shouted from the other side, "OKAY!" you shouted as you got onto one of the walkways, slowly making it across...

Slowly peering out from the wall you three hid behind you could see the Nazis walking around "Come out come out wherever you are!" the Nazi shouted as his flashlight was scanning the darkness, "Josef you see anything?" the second Nazi asked looking at their companion who was standing near the broken wall that leads to a slopped area "Nope" they said still not turning around, a light was soon shown on them, slowly turning to look up at the Nazi you simply pulled the hammer back on your revolver "Guten Nachmittag!" you said smiling as you shot the Nazi in the face

Falling backward dead the other Nazis sprang up in action "I SEE THEM!" The first shouted blowing a hole into the edge of the wall the three were hiding behind "NO YOU DON'T!" You shouted throwing a grenade at their feet "GRENAAAADE!- they weren't able to move out of the way quick enough as they got exploded in a million pieces... Pavel slowly walked up behind the fourth Nazi who had his back turned to them all

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