The End...

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Two years since the destruction of the dark ones, one year since the events of the Red war and the baby dark one, two weeks since you and Artyom's frequent travel to the surface...

Everything had gone smoothly, nothing was threatening the metro, No more Red army, no more fourth Reich no more dark ones, no more... Or that's how it seemed, Colonel Miller was becoming obsessed with the "occupying forces" outside the metro ready to tear them to shreds, the order and Hanza had become allies despite having occasional disputes, you and Artyom were treated differently from each other, Artyom and you were seen as heroes, Artyom was always getting praises by the other spartans even from Sam himself, you, on the other hand, would ignore the praise and every time shift the conversation to another topic, even when the Colonel himself would try getting you to tell the story, you simply made a brief description of it, not bothering to tell them fully.

You were seated in the small booth area in the station's bar, flipping through your sketchbook you stopped in the middle, and you came across a sketch of you on Ostankino, sighed having not finished the drawing, picking up your pen you began to give the drawing finishing touches onto the paper, you were swallowed in your thoughts and by the drawing that you jumped when a mug was placed next to your arm, glancing up you made eye contact with Anna

"Privet Anna" you meekly greeted, to be honest, you HATED Anna when you had first encountered her during the mission involving the dark one, she kept calling Artyom 'Rabbit' and you 'Frog' that only stopped when you punched her in the face...

"Come on Froggy, what? Is the little frog tired? Oh well you'll have to Anna was cut off as you landed a hard right hook to the side of her face knocking her on her ass, you loomed over her holding your fists up "Call me that ONE more fucking time and I'll show you that these hands are rated E for everyone" you snarled looking down at her. No regrets in your voice as she stared up at you "How dare you!" she shouted until you cut her off "How dare I? How dare you! Your all talk but until you get hit in the face you suddenly act like a pissy ass bitch! Quit acting like your high and holy just because your father is the Colonel means JACK shit to me, I'll kick your ass, I don't give a fuck about punching a girl, and these hands are gender equal!" you snapped walking off, Artyom simply looked down at Anna and followed after...

"Y/N are you okay?" Anna asked as you shook your head "I'm alright, just remembered the time I punched you in the face, I'm still sorry about that... You shrugged your shoulders, and Anna laughed lightly "Oh It's alright, I was acting like a bitch, I deserved it" she said giggling, her hand was on your forearm, and she looked down at your sketch...

"Is that Ostankino tower? Wow I didn't think it'd look so beautiful" she said as she gently spun the book around admiring the page, "Is that you?" she pointed to the fire standing on the very edge of the tower "Yeah... It's from when I was on top of the tower during the mission" you shrugged pulling the book back to finish the drawing

"how was it up in the tower?" she asked leaning against her arm and admiring you as you drew, humming you looked Anna in the eyes "I regret it. I always said that I felt pride but, I don't, I regret killing the dark ones, not even Artyom knows that I have slight trauma from the tower" you admitted as you look back down at your drawing, Anna gently held you had

"There is nothing to fear now, that was a long time ago," she said with a kind smile, shaking your head you sighed "No, I'll always carry the regret on my shoulders...


Walking down the hallways of the barracks, you stopped outside Artyom's door, pulling your journal out you examined the pages briefly before putting it back in your bag, opening the door you walk in, Artyom was completely passed out in bed, his head hanging off the side of his bed, sighing you put your hands on your hips staring down at him...

"Artyom! Wake up!"


Metro 2033: Artyom X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now