Chapter 12.

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Having just left the black station alive and with Pavel, we were all riding to polis when we were stopped at the main entrance "Who goes there?" A voice shouted as green dots appeared on our chests "Oh we're nazi's here to take over your station" Ulman was cracking up as he spoke "Ja! Das is gut!" I played along as we both started cackling in laughter, I sounded like a dying fax machine, Pavel just groaned louder covering his face with both hands as Artyom just shook his head "I kid! I kid! We're being escorted by two rangers and we'd like to head in" I laughed out as I and Ulman were practically crying, the guard up top just face palmed "great we've got two comedians... Alright head in you four" the guard waved us in as they opened up the airlock, Ulman drove inside, I looked over at him with a shit-eating grin "Next time lets try being the reds" I giggled to which he snickered "oh oh we could also try to dress up as redline soldiers!" I gasped "Ulman you are a genius! Yeeees" I grinned at him meanwhile Pavel just shook his head "O chert, you both are truly meant for each other" Artyom placed a hand on my shoulder "I'd kill Ulman if he tried anything" he calmly signed meanwhile I looked at him with a devious grin


Sitting in the small operation booth of sorts you were sitting in your chair messing with the silencer on your Kalash as Artyom slept next to you his head resting on your shoulder, you not minding it, looking up you noticed Pavel still standing around "what are you still doing sticking around with us?" you asked surprised he hadn't walked off, looking back he thought for a moment "Ehh I guess traveling with you two has grown on me, can't seem to split off from you guys just yet" he said with a chuckle, looking away, the guard at the computer was distracted by the bright monitor, clicking away at the keyboard whilst the man in the ammo exchange was reading a book, looking back down you pulled your Kalash onto your lap resting the butt of it on your thigh as you played with the scope, "How long have you and Artyom known each other?" Pavel asked looking back, lazily looking at him you mauled over your answer "Errrm... Since he came to the Exhibition with Alex, the other boys would make fun of Tyoma due to his inability to speak" you chuckled shaking your head softly...

Some years ago...

"Oooh is little Artyom gonna cry? Ooooh look cry baby!" one of the older boys laughed pushing a young boy against the brick walls of the metro, he had a stone-cold expression on his face despite tears rolling down his face, and he held his arm tightly as he glared at the older boy "Cry baby Artyom! Cry baby Artyom! Hahahaha!" he laughed as did his two friends

"I bet your mama is glad she's dead so she doesn't have to deal with a freak like you!" another boy spat out in a cackle, the three older boys laughing as Artyom's face flushed red in anger

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THREE THINK YOUR DOING!? LEAVE HIM ALONG!" an older boy shouted shoving the main bully away from Artyom, he had an F/C sweater on with a black vest, dark F/C jeans, and boots "Awwww come on Y/N we're just having fun with the freak! Isn't that right Artyooooom?" the main bully cooed in the younger boys direction only to get a sharp left hook to the face sending him flat on his ass "TY SUKA! GO! GO! SCRAM BEFORE I DO MORE THAN BREAK YOUR FACES ON THE CONCRETE!" Y/N shouted waving his fist above his head, the three boys scrambled away while yelling threats about beating him up when he was alone, "Phaaaa... Stupid sukas... Never learn do they... he scoffed angrily before looking at Artyom, "You okay their kid? Boy, they sure did a number on you" Y/N said as he softly took Artyoms face in his hands gently rubbing at the forming bruises on the poor boy's face, Artyom silently marveled at his savior, you pulled your hand back "Oh right I forgot" you cleared your throat and held your hand out "Y/N M/N Nikolayev, but you can just call me Y/N, and your Artyom right? I saw you being brought in by Alex, Sorry for not talking to you sooner, you looked sad so I decided to let you settle into the exhibition before talking to you" you smiled at the younger boy, looking down at your S/C hand and back up at you he softly took it into his own shaking it as he nodded his head

"Well, Tyoma, how bout I walk you around the station? You know, as a way to help you forget about those three Sukas" you said as you moved to Artyoms side wrapping an arm around his shoulder, looking up at you he quietly nodded "Opa! Thats what I like to see! Hey don't worry about not being able to talk, just a simple nod or shake of your head should be enough, now off we go Tyoma!" you said fist bumping the air as you pulled Artyom closer against your side, dragging him out of the small dead end you had found him in...

"Artyom was always the quiet book worm, I was the usual loose cannon in our friendship, I would drag him along in our crazy adventures, I still don't understand how he hasn't left me behind yet," you said with a chuckle, Pavel raised his brows "Wow, that's one hell of a childhood friendship you two have there" he mused after listening to how you and Artyom had first come to be as friends

"I know, I care about this idiot a lot" you gestured to the sleeping mute resting his head on your shoulder, making sure not to talk too loud or move around much "I'm kind of happy that I met him, despite him being mute and all I still enjoy holding conversations with him," you said smiling down at Artyom who was quietly snoring as drool slipped down his chin

"Alright you two, Millers ready to see you" guardsmen spoke walking up to the three of you "Give me a sec!" you said before you gently pushed Artyom up in his seat waking him up "Hey come on sleeping beauty lets go" yawning he rubbed his face, you had stood up and pulled your bag out from under the seat, "Okay lead the way!" you shouted as Pavel stood up from his chair following you and the guard, Artyom shuffling behind the three still tired

"In here, the guard pushed the door open letting you three step inside, an older man with a cleanly kept beard sat at a table, "So you two have a message from hunter lets- wait what are you doing here Pavel?" he asked noticing a ranger with the two, before he could speak up you wrapped both arms around the ranger

"We have kidnapped him, he is now our friend, no you cannot have him back," You said hugging Pavel tightly who was laughing "Thats one way of saying we're friends now, but it is true Colonel Sir, I now travel with these two," he said as you peeled yourself from Pavel, Miller sighed "Alright them...  Come on sit down" he gestured to the two seats in front of his desk, you and Artyom sat in the chairs as Pavel stood next to the door...


Miller hummed unfolding his hands "This matter seems to be not just for me but for the council itself" he said nodding as he reached over to what looked to be a calling machine, pressing a button on it "All council members to the Council room for discussion I repeat all council members to the Council room!" he broadcasted the message around Polis, looking back at the two, Artyom was already sleeping in his seat

"Pavel show the kids to the council room" Miller instructed, getting up you nudged Artyom awake "Come on Tyoma you sleepy head" you joked, waking up he rubbed his tired eyes, and the two of you followed Pavel out of Miller's office, and towards the Council room...


Miller was an okay guy, he had his head straight unlike the council people who had their heads so far up their asses they could practically see the food they were eating, drumming my fingers against the edge of his desk we sat in silence for a couple of minutes, Miller staring into Artyom's soul as the mute stared back at him, the two holding a silent staring contest

"Sooooooooo... What'll we do now? Those Council people practically brushed us off, are we just gonna sit here with our thumbs up our asses? Or are we doing something?" I said breaking the silence in the office room "Well of course we have to do something! Listen... I need you both to go into the library, we need the Documents for D6 in the military archives and then- I cut him off by standing up "I CALL DIBS ON BRINGING ULMAN!" I shouted and ran out of the room, Artyom and Miller sat there both trying to register what the fuck happened, looking at Artyom he raised a brow "How'd you two live this long with him rushing into danger?" holding his hands up "He was always the one to cause distractions letting me and Pavel escape" Artyom meekly signed "Makes sense" Miller admitted "Well then let's go... The two got up out of their chairs following the hyper male

Out in the distance, they could hear Pavel shriek as Y/N barreled into him, the sound of stuff crashing to the floor followed suit as did more shouting, Y/N was simply laughing his head off at the chaos...

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