Chapter 16.

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Once reaching the heavy blast door leading deeper into D6 you stood near it examining the door "Artyom see if you can get it open" Miller instructed, there was a switch near the door like the other blast door had, walking over to it he flipped the switch on, the door slowly began to creak open only for the rust and the years of standstill to halt the door forcing the switch back to off "What the? Artyom hold the switch!" Miller barked, flipping the switch back to on he leaned against the wall, the blast door resumed opening slowly, and the screams of more Nosalies accompanied the opening of the door "SUKA! PROTECT ARTYOM!" the colonel shouted over gunfire, and another fight broke out, the door was halfway open, you shot down two Nosalies before Boris got in your way, "BORIS MOVE!" you shouted shoving him away "HEY!- he was cut off as a nosalies shot out from under the door shoving Artyom down "TYOMA!" You shouted aiming your shambler only to get taken down by two Nosalies, your shotgun flying out of your hands

"Kid!" Ulman shouted as Artyom dug his trench knife into the head of the Nosalies killing it, shoving the dead mutant up he sprung up just as you were pulled under the doorway by the legs "EAT THIS YOU SUKAS!" you shouted just as an explosion went off in the other side of the door, springing up to his feet he forced the switch back on the doors soon shot open fully, the spartans ran over to you

"Y/N are you okay!?" Boris shouted kneeling next to you "WHAT!?" you yelled still hearing the deafening ringing in your ears after the explosion of your grenade, you watched their mouths move but you could only hear the ringing "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! THE EXPLOSION MUST HAVE DEAFENED ME!" you shouted again, Miller shook his head pulling you up onto your feet by the arms, your armor and body suit was slightly torn and burnt due to the grenade...

"And they were roommates!" Ulman finished his story as the group was headed to the lower bowls of D6 "Oh my god... They were roommates" you whispered in amazement, the rest of the spartans excluding Artyom and Boris groaned loudly in protest to you and Ulman's shenanigans

"Okay... What's the weirdest shit you've EVER done?" Ulman asked, you put your hand to your chin thinking "I was dared to eat a dead lurker for twenty bullets" you admitted, Artyom made a gaging-like noise as Ulman's face scrunched up into one of surprise and disgust Pavel simply cringed "What about you Artyom?" he asked looking at the mute "Y/N and I had to act out the entire movie script of the titanic once" he signed shrugging sheepishly "Even the front of the boat scene?- "even the front of the boat scene yes, someone brought in a kazoo and started to play the titanic song in a crappy way" you said smugly smiling "I got to hold Artyom from behind" you said as the mute blushed heavily Ulman began to cackle loudly as he stared at the mute male

"Ulman dared me to drink shampoo once" Boris spoke out loud "Okay we're here enough fucking around we- WAIT YOU DRANK SHAMPOO!?" Miller shouted in surprise as you all started to laugh at the situation

"Vlad pull the switch" Miller ordered, Vlad walked over and with his free hand flipped the switch, the blast door slid open only a crack, it looked big enough for two people to pass through, Miller looked over to Artyom "Okay Y/N you and- "Already on it!" you shouted halfway under the door "Y/N!" miller shouted "rock and roll buckaroo!" you shouted as you crab walked your way under the rest of the door, Miller sighed heavily "Why do I even bother... Alright Artyom you follow him" he said brushing his arm off from any dust, the mute simply complied with his orders, and slowly he got under the door and into the other side "Alright you two try and- Vlad was cut off as the blast door slammed shut

"Blyat" you simply said as you watched the lights flicker followed by the scuttering of mutated spiders...


"Wonder what happens if I do THIS!" you pulled a hair spray can from your bag holding it behind your lighter, the spiders screeched and scuttled away as the bright orange flame jutted out from the mix of spray and fire "I AM THE GOD OF WAAAAAAAAR MOTHERFUCKERS!" you shouted running through the area, Artyom followed holding his lighter out in front of him, the flame was leaning backward ready to nick his thumb, he could feel the heat of it on the tip of his finger but it did not seem to bother him as he followed close behind you, both of your flashlights had died and both of you didn't have time to charge them due to the spiders

You kept up with the mutant spider scorpion, finally cornering it "NOW THAT I HAVE YOU WHERE I WANT YOU!.... I'm gonna stomp your brains out" you spoke in an ominous tone, throwing both the can of spray and lighter to the side you immediately started to curb storm the spider, Artyom recoiled as he watched you stomping the mutant to death, other spiders had to watch as you brutally murdered their brethren...


You all had finally reached the inner workings of D6, standing outside of the control room, "Ah shit... We'll have to find a way to get the doors open, Ulman Pavel cover the left Stepan and Boris to the right, Artyom you and Y/- Miller were interrupted by a forklift ramming into the door, slowly yet forcefully pushing the rusted door open "Nevermind" he shook his head as you stood next to the control panel "Open says me" you chuckled "No its open sesame" Boris replied, you simply shook your head "No no no, its Open SAYS me, that's how it first was, Open sesame is how most of the media said it" you explained as you all soon stood in the center of the control room

"Vladimir tries seeing if you can get the generators working" Miller spoke up as he stood near one of the consoles, Vlad got into the chair and started to try and log in "Let me try this... The console beeped denying access "What about this?" it beeped again "Damn it!"

"you do realize you have Caps lock on right?" you said standing behind the chair "What?" Vlad looked at you confused, rolling your eyes you pressed the button on the side of the keyboard "Try it now" Vlad inputted the password, and the console chimed as it starts up "Oh... He breathed out slightly before looking through the servers...

An hour had passed by and you all were still hanging around the Control room "I found it! Seems like the main generator is down, we're running on emergency power" you looked up "Oh you think? Oh, I don't know we could have guessed that from the fact that every light is off EXCEPT the emergency lights!" you snapped in annoyance "Is there any way to get the bunker fully running?" miller asked completely ignoring your sarcastic response

"We could try getting the main generator up and running, seems like theres some sort of mass blocking the rods from releasing pressure, if the pressure builds up this entire bunker goes up in smoke" Vlad explained tapping the glass of his console as if seemed to have glitched

"Chornobyl two electric boogaloo," you said to yourself, the lights when out "gas masks everyone!" Miller commanded "I'll have to shut off everything from doors to the air filtration system if we want to power the elevators, hurry back and don't die"


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAAAAT!?" you shouted peering over the railing at the mound of flesh that seemed to have swallowed the generator, it looked like a bunch of humans had melted down into a blob of flesh with tendrils

"Artyom try to release the rods using the crane!" Miller shouted through the radio, you watched as Artyom was carefully trying to get to every single rod, the flesh monster kept trying to knock him out of the crane, one by one he removed the rods, you kept watch with eyes wide open not daring to blink, the final one comes out and Artyom returns the crane to its position, getting out and running back into the room "Great job Artyom!" Miller said as he flips a few switches, lights turn on illuminating the room and the rest of D6...


Riding up the elevator slowly you three stood in place until the intercom speakers flicked on "Attention all of D6, we are here to take over your Metro! We are the watchers and we- "Alright Ulman cut it out" Vlad's voice spoke out from behind Ulman "Watchers... Pfffft... Miller shook his head as you soon reached the train platform, Ulman stood there with what looked to be the missile transmitter at his side

"Colonel! So good to see you again, seems like you guys did not get killed down there" he chuckled, you simply shook your head "Naw, anyway we should probably be heading out soon... You said with a smirk...


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