Chapter 13.

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Whattup my bitches and bros and non-binary hoes?


Back to the dead city, it felt almost like yesterday when you and Artyom had set out on your journey, stepping out of the comforts of Polis, with Pavel, Ulman, and Artyom

"So this is the infamous library huh?" he chuckled looking it over, he had his gas mask over his face while glancing at the crumbling building, its column pillers barely holding the roof up, "The Moscow library was a very spacious building, I was taken there once on a school feild trip," you said as you glanced at the building before turning and walking over to a truck that had its back doors wide open "That so? How old were you before the bombs fell?" Ulman asked raising a brow

"I was five years old," you said shrugging your shoulders, you had unlocked a safe on the back of the truck "Really? Wow I pictured you more as a crying baby!" he cracked up more

"Ulman I will castrate you with an icicle don't think I won't!" you shouted playfully, your banter was shortly interrupted when the howling of watchmen was heard "Shit... You muttered looking around for the burly beasts, "EVER THERE!" Pavel shouted as he loaded his rifle, watchmen jumped out of nowhere, and you quickly crouched and sidestepped the mutant "OY PIZDEC!" you shouted before it could lunge at you, you rammed into it sending it flying across the frozen ground, running over to it you jumped up before landing hard on its head smashing it into the ground, another watchman appeared behind you ready to bite at you when Artyom flung his arm out, a throwing knife embedded into its skull killing it, turning back to Artyom you gave him a nod, running back you drop kicked watchmen away from Ulman

"WHOA, MAN! Did Zven teach you those moves?" he asked killing the watchmen with his VSV, standing up ypu pulled your knife out, brushing your finger against the smoothed portion of the blade "Yeah! Took me three years to get the hang of it!" you shouted running forwards taking another watchman by surprise, tackling it down you plunged your blade into its head killing it

"ARTYOM! Y/N! SEEMS LIKE YOU GOT INTO A SITUATION!" Miler shouted as he ran up to the small group with Danila in tow, stopping merely a foot from your group "ULMAN!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE THE CHURCH!?" he barked as the comedian simply chuckled "Oh you know taking a stroll with these guys, boy isn't Moscow beautiful this time of year!" he responded laughing

"Yeah we were just having fun with the local dogs!" you shouted laughing alongside Ulman, Miller merely shook his head in annoyance "Pha! Come on you four let's get into the library- he was cut off by you charging past him and slamming full force into the library doors, forcing them open and you to skid across the carpeted floor

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Miller barked as he ran in, you slowly got up "don't worry about it!" you stated dusting yourself off and picking up your rifle "This isn't the first time he did this" Pavel said walking over

"Oh? How many times has he done this?" he asked giggling in curiosity "About seventy times" you answered with a huge smile on your face "First time I met Artyom I ran into my front door breaking it off its hinges, hence why my dad had to replace it with steel" you said laughing...

Walking through the main room of the library, the one heading deeper into the archives "Well what do we do now? It'll take a long time to sift through the rubble not to mention the fact that we have to somehow get to the Archives- Danila was cut off by the screech of a Demon who had crashed through the ceiling

"DANILA LOOK OUT!" you shouted running forwards you shoved the ranger out of the way as the Demon snatched you off the ground "Y/NNNNNN!" Pavel, Miller, and Ulman shouted as they Watched you cling onto the oversized bat "TAKE THIS YOU FUGLY BITCH!" you shouted digging your bayonet into the Demon's stomach, pulling it downwards ripping the mutants stomach slightly open, the bat mutant let out a screech in pain, blood splattered onto you and your clothes, the Demon flung you into a set of shelves, slamming hard against them the old shelves toppled atop of you as the Demon left through the hole on the ceiling

"KID!" Pavel shouted as he ran over to the shelves, your arm was the only thing sticking out of the pile "Y/N! BLYAT KID!" miller shouted as he tried to push the shelves off "ULMAN ARTYOM HELP ME GET THESE OFF!" he shouted, Artyom ran over discarding his Kalash on the ground, putting both hands under the shelve he started helping miller

"AH, SHIT! DON'T YOU DARE BE A HUMAN BLIN DOWN THERE!" "ULMAN NO TIME FOR YOUR JOKES!" Miller snapped as the three struggled "Kid! KID! Can you hear me!? Y/N!" Pavel shouted as he helped the three trying to pull the shelf off...

You were breathing heavily under the mass of wood and rubble, taking a deep breath you sighed as you dislodged your arm from the crack in the shelf, your hands were coated in blood, and so was your head as it pulsed in pain, you could see the four trying to pull the shelf off, your gas mask was completely ruined as well, taking it off you set it to the side, the crevice you were stuck inside was spacious enough

"I'M FINE!" you hollered back, the four stopped as you could hear their muffled voices, crawling over to the hole in between the shelves you slightly peeked through it "I'm fine! I'm fine but it seems like the shelf is wedged in deep!" Danila showed up on the other side of the hole "Kid you just saved my life, why the hell would you do that!?" he shouted still in shock from almost being snatched up by a demon

"I dunno, I just felt like I had to" you shrugged, turning to look over your shoulder you noticed a large hole that seemed to lead down below "Y/N WHERES YOUR GAS MASK!?" Miller barked as he reached through the hole to grab you by the collar of your sweater, looking at him "I don't need one, I found out a couple of days after rising to the surface from Riga that I can breathe normally" you admitted with a shrug

"It's true, he ended up dropping into the water and rose back up without his mask he just had that one on to not look suspicious" Artyom signed, Miller took his arm out of the hole "He must have some form of mutation in his blood," he said, Pavel kneeled next to the hole "How do you feel? You took a hard blow when flung at the shelves," he said peering into the hole

"Oh I'll be fine, you guys should go on ahead I think I can see my way into the library, seems like some shelving broke through the ground," you said peering your head into the hole, looking around you pulled your night vision goggles on looking around "WAIT Y/N DON'T!" Miller shouted as you slipped into the hole "OY PIZDEC!" you shouted as the sound of you crashing into stuff was faintly heard from underneath the floor

"SHIT!" the four of them shouted, Artyom ran ahead with pavel hot on his heels...


You slowly got off the desk you had landed on, groaning in pain you adjusted the night vision goggles you had on "What in the fu... The words died on your lips as you looked up only to come into close eye contact with a big brute-looking mutant, staring at it through your goggles you let out a noise similar to a whimper...

"Fuck... You breathed out as you were suddenly snatched up, you started to scream at the top of your lungs, and the thing brough you closer to its gigantic maw, opening wide ready to tear your head from your neck, you suddenly brought out one of the grenades you had bought from Riga, stuffing your arm into the beast's mouth you kept screaming as you yanked your arm out, the beast dropped you onto the floor as it began to choke

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" you scrambled away tossing the pin to the side, you managed to get away in time as the brute exploded into a fine red mist and chunks the explosion sending you rolling across the floor, skidding to a stop almost falling into another hole...

You closed your eyes and sighed in relief, only to open them again as another mutant was looking down at you "Fuck...


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