Chapter 8.

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Hello everybody

Artyom's Pov

I sat staring up at the Nazi who had managed to get the jump on me, waving a silenced pistol in my face as if it were a knife "You can scream, cry or beg, it's all the same" he chuckled behind his mask aiming the pistol to my head pulling the hammer back, he was making a show of putting his finger on the trigger, I could see two rangers behind the Nazi, one was about to put a bullet through the man's head when Y/N appeared from nowhere

(Y/N Pov)

Wrapping my arms around the Nazi's chest I hoisted him up and fell onto my back slamming the fuckers head hard against the ground hearing it crack, unwrapping myself I pushed the man onto his back, and in a daze, he was staring up at me with a confused glare, I gave him an evil grin "Guten Morgen!" I shouted jumping up and stomping the fuckers head, spilling his brains and skull fragments all over the ground, "Looks like you both got yourself covered aye?" I looked over at the two rangers "looks as if he's gonna have one killer headache ayyyyyyye!" I gave the first finger guns, and he, of course, cracked up meanwhile the second facepalmed, "How'd you learn that? I mean the whole skull stomp?" the second ranger asked staring at my blood-covered high tops and the headless corpse "I'll tell you later but we need to get the Fuuuuuck out of here before more of them notice" I said as we started heading over to the second part of the tunnel "Before we go, I'm Ulman, this is Pavel" Ulman spoke as he gestured a hand to his companion "Well Ulman its very ICE to meet you" I joked meanwhile Pavel buried his face in his hands with a very annoyed groan, Artyom simply shook his head and sighed "I had to" I snickered

Artyom rolled his eyes "Oh yeah I forgot" you said grabbing Artyoms shoulder you yanked the dog tags pulling Artyom forwards to show them to Pavel and Ulman "That's Hunter's token" Ulman mused looking the tags over "Well you better save your message for miller, come on let's get out of here" he said waving the two to follow them...

Walking through the tunnel with the rangers you looked around "What about the mission? We can't just leave it" Pavel said Ulman simply tsking at his companion "I'll do the mission myself you just get these two to polis, You'll probably get a medal from Miller by delivering Hunter's message," Ulman said as they approached an Armored Trolley

"I hope one of you knows how to man the turret, it's better that way since you won't be seen that way," Pavel said turning to the two, you simply chuckled brushing a strand of H/C out of your face "Man one? Boy, I've driven one before back in the Exhibition," you said with a smug smile "Oh yeah? You some kind of guards kid?" Pavel retorted with a smirk "Nope, Zven took Artyom and me around in one and I got to kill a squad of Reds with the turret" You admitted sheepishly shrugging your shoulders "Whoooa! Seems like we've got two mutual friends in common, what a small world" Ulman said amused "Yeah I know how you'd know Zven, he did tell us stories about the rangers" You said with a smile...

"Alright, you comfortable up there?" Pavel asked as you were sitting in the Gunners seat "As comfortable as one can be Pavel my friend!" you replied adjusting the helmet that he gave you, Artyom was sitting on the passenger seat in the trolly wearing a tinted gas mask "Just saying, if shit goes south you start shooting just mind the temperature of the gun, it overheats" Pavel said as they began moving across the tracks

Digging your fingers into the mechanism of the Turret you began messing with some of its parts, a loud click and hiss were heard "What was that?" Pavel asked briefly glancing up "these turret trolleys come with a cooling system, most of the time the gunners are either too scared or too lazy to find the switch, so now we have a turret gun that won't heat up quickly" you explained putting the heat shield back onto the turret, the three of you quickly approached a Nazi outpost in the tunnels

"Halt! Who goes there!?" the Nazi guard near the entrance barked, the trolley slowed as Pavel looked nervous "We're just a patrol! Delivering Ammo to the other outposts!" you spoke up as you tightly gripped the turret "We already got Ammo," the Nazi said trying to get a closer look at the Gunner, tsking you smirk "Well that's sad, I was hoping to deliver MORE!" you shouted gunning down the soldier "KID WHAT THE HELL!?" Pavel shouted "JUST KICK IT! OR DO YOU WANT TO SIT HERE AND LET ME GUN THEM DOWN!?" You shouted back, the trolley soon sped forwards as Bullets flew around ricocheting off the trolley "EAT LEAD MOTHERFUCKEEEERS! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" You began laughing like a maniac as you gunned down several of the guards, speeding through the outpost, the trolley was rammed forwards as an enemy trolley appeared behind them "SHOOT KID!!" Pavel shouted over the gunfire

spinning the Turret you smiled at the Driver "YOU WANNA PLAY TOO!? LET'S PLAY!" You shouted as you gunned down the enemy trolley killing the driver first before setting your eyes on the gunner, making eye contact with them you watched his eyes fill with horror, Laughing your head off you pressed down on the trigger hitting the trolley's gas tank causing the whole vehicle to explode, the remaining chunks of the enemy trolley hitting yours "BLYAAAAAAAT! IT'S A BULLDOZER!" Pavel screamed as his face sank with horror, a heavily armored Panzer drifted in their direction only for it to smash into the steel beam behind the second trolley causing the roof to collapse onto them

"THAT WAS ANTI-CLIMACTIC!" You shouted as Pavel drove past the wreckage, you were all quickly approaching the blast doors out of the tunnel "I AM SPEEEEEEEEEEEED!" You shouted gunning the rest of the Nazis down and hitting the electrical switch causing the door to slowly shit behind you all, sitting on the tracks for a while you pulled a water bottle from your pocket, uncapping it you drank the water, the tunnel was quiet as the trolley sat there, well quiet until Pavel started snoring, he was still breathing heavily between snores, putting the bottle away you wiped your damp lips dry

Chuckling as you heard Pavel snoring from underneath you, honking the horn he jolted awake "What? Oh...


I was listening to free bird while typing this lmaoooo

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