Chapter 9.

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"Well we made it out alive somehow," Pavel said as we all sat in the dinky wooden cart, riding through the tunnel "I'm more impressed by the fact these tunnels haven't collapsed in on themselves," you said sitting low fixing the straps of your Hellsing, the eerie feeling and the sound of the cartwheels speeding down the tracks was the only noise keeping the ranger paranoid, "Well they could of if it wasn't for the support beams overhead- ARTYOM DUCK!" he shouted, Artyom looked only to make a head-on collision with a low hanging pipe, he quickly crouched tightly gripping his aching skull "Oooooh that'll leave a hefty mark... You cringe as Artyom moaned in pain gripping at his head "Why in the absolute fuck did they have to build everything so low?" Pavel hissed as he kept his head low "Don't know don't care just keep your heads low, else you'd want to have your head lobbed off by a stray metal pipe"You said getting lower in the cart, Artyom was rubbing at his sore head...

"Get ready you two! We're approaching another outpost!" Pavel shouted as we rode past a spotlight, nobody was at the entrance of the outpost until we reached the inside, "Well looks like we're the last to arrive!" I shouted over the gunfire, Reds and Nazis were at war in the tunnels, some had noticed us and begun to shoot "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Pavel shouted as he trained his gun on them, you threw your arm out pulling his arm down along with his rifle "ALLOW ME!" you shouted popping up out of the Cart You aimed your Hellsing at the group shooting an explosive round at their feet, the Nazis panicked trying to scramble in differed directions only for them to get blown into pieces "Opa! Now, thats what I like to call a Nazi party!" You laughed as the cart rode out of the outpost only a few Nazis dared follow on foot, loading another road you casually shot an explosive bolt onto the ceiling above the group, and the explosion went off barricading the Nazis under piles of dirt...


A screech in the tunnels was heard, whipping my head to look around I could make out the forms of Nosalis's "Shit... I muttered before turning back to the two "You both ready?" I asked positioning myself on the floor crouched I could hear Pavel and Artyom moving around "Ready! Do your best Kid" he stated as I could tell he had his rifle at the ready... The first Nosalies began hauling ass in our direction bringing several of its pack

"LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted, the Nosalies lunged towards me to which I bolted forwards slamming my skull against its head and flinging it backward, in a daze I could feel the blood rushing out of my nose due to the sudden skull-against-skull action, shaking my head "TO YOUR LEFT!" Pavel shouted ad one tried to catch me off guard. Grabbing it by the arm I flung it forward our cart running it over I swung backward catching another with my fist, I could feel my knuckles ache as they made forceful contact with the Nosalies head sending it flying backward and taking two of its own with it "HELL YEAAAAAH!" I shouted taking out my knife, jumping backward I let one try to swing at me with its bigass hands only to catch my blade in between its head, twisting it harshly I was sprayed with brain fluid and blood before kicking it back away freeing my knife "You two doing good?" I shouted as Artyom shot a few off the cart Pavel helping "As fine as one can be!" he joked as a nosalies jumped over me taking Pavel by surprise and biting down on his arm causing him to scream in surprise "NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER!" I stabbed my knife into its back causing the mutant to recoil back screeching loudly as it tried to swing me off only for Artyom to finish it off with buckshot to the head, Pulling my Knife out Pavel threw it off the cart with his good arm... No more mutants were after us...

"S-suka... Pavel hissed cradling his arm "Hold your arm out" I instructed pulling out a medkit, holding his arm out I began treating it "This should help it heal" I injected the morphine needle into the bite wound before cleaning it off using vodka "Fuck!" He hissed feeling his arm flare up in pain "You'll live at least the big brute didn't take your arm off or take you with it" I chuckled wrapping his arm tightly with Gauze, pulling his arm back he inspected it"How do you know about treating wounds?

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