Chapter 6

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Dumping another pizza carton in the trash, the awful smell of waste hit his senses. Taehyung hadn't left his home this weekend. Not once. He only ordered food. He couldn't handle it. Meeting Jungkook would be way too difficult to handle. He hadn't been truthful. The thought of Jungkook finding out he lied. He didn't want to hurt him. But how possibly could he tell him the truth?

Used food containers joined the big garbage bag. The scent of dish soap was slowly masking the smell of the trash can. After cleaning the entire kitchen, his eyes met the garbage. He had to throw it out.

No, no he simply couldn't. His hand searched through the pocket of his sweatpants quickly calling Jimin.

"What should I do with the trash?"

"Oh hi Taehyung. Yes I'm doing very well thank you for asking. What have I been up to today? Well you know nothing out of the ordinary. Please let me know what you have on your chest, Taehyung ."

Jimin's voice was covered in layers of irritation, teasing and tiredness.

This hadn't been the first time this week that Taehyung had called Jimin. To be exact it has been 19 times, not that anyone is counting.

"I'm sorry Jimin but I have a problem. I need to take out the trash."

"Oh, yes that sounds like a problem." Jimin proceeded to talk sarcastically.
"Maybe we should Google it, perhaps there is someone out there in the world that has a solution for your problem? Personally I usually gather my trash in a bag then take that bag out to the waste house in the back of my apartment building."

Taehyung's eyes rolled as Jimin continued.

"Actually, when I think about it, I think everyone in my apartment building does the same."

"Fine I get it Jimin but you know what I mean?"

"I do know Taehyung but you can't be inside of your apartment forever."

"I know…."

"What are you going to do with work?"

"I texted Namjoon if I could start later tomorrow instead, that way I can watch and see when Jungkook leaves."

"Your mental."

"No, but I'm about to go mental soon if I don't get rid of the trash."

"Okay, go with the trash now, and I can talk to you on the phone at the same time. That way you can pretend you're busy if he sees you."

"You know what?"


"That's actually a pretty good idea."

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"Just take the compliment."

"Fine, taken."

Taehyung held tightly to his phone as he grabbed the bag out of the trash can. Looking out in the hallway it was empty and he noted that the coast was clear.

Closing his front door, he started to run down the stairs. He told himself he would never use the stairs but desperate times call for desperate measures. All Jimin could hear was ragged panting and nervous breathing. Running out from the building, Taehyung looked crazy. Batman sweatpants, pink shirt with the text "future milf" and sunglasses on to hide his identity.

Luckily his coast was clear. Jimin had remained quiet while Taehyung had disposed of the garbage.

Taehyung closed the door to the waste room and breathed out in relief. He then turned around.

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