The Preview

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'It's been said, through great tales of hero's, spoken from our ancestor's that everything happens for a reason, that the people that have survived and conquered their own fears,  and fought against monsters and demons are the strongest of them all

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'It's been said, through great tales of hero's, spoken from our ancestor's that everything happens for a reason, that the people that have survived and conquered their own fears,  and fought against monsters and demons are the strongest of them all.

That In this world, those who fight always have a chance at winning, but that's not always true..
There always have, and always will be, those who are put through Niflheim for the mistakes of others, good people, who might have been able to achieve incredible things damned by the selfishness of others.
It's no wonder why so many Vikings are now struggling with this war. This constant loss.

It's been a never ending battle for centuries, my ancestors have fought and thousands of lives have been lost on both sides, but what is the real reason it's still going on?
That's a question I have been thinking ever since I've learnt about the dragons.

And that's why my story will become so important, looking back now it might seem as though I changed everyone's minds, but you never will. Not really.
But I will be the one to change to minds of my peoples, those who I have sworn to protect and lead.
Well, in the end I will, as of right now currently on a boat in the middle of nowhere trying to escape the clutches of my deranged betrothed once again, and if I'm being honest, one of these days one of my ideas are definitely going to get me killed..'



" I have to thank all of you for all that you have done for me, but this has to be my choice and my decision to make, wether this be the right one or not, I have to do I what I feel is right. Even if I lose everything in the end, I can't help but still harbour these feelings for him, I can't just forget about him.
I think I love him, and I think I always have."

                       Dagur the Deranged

"  MY BELOVED!! There you are, thank the gods I knew you'd be alright!! I mean of course you are, you are to be my wife after all."


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My Beloved - Dagur the Deranged x readerWhere stories live. Discover now